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Re: normalization

From: Willem Dekker <>
Date: 1998/02/21
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Anne-Marie Ternes wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a newbie Oracle administrator. A new Oracle system is going to be
> installed soon, and now I have to define specifications about how the
> programmers will have to handle their programs accessing the database.
> I would be very grateful if someone could help me with the following
> questions and similar issues:
> - how can SQL statements be made the most efficient?
First by having a good physical database design, then by using hints. Read the performance tuning guide.
> - how about the access rights: what should the programmers be allowed
> to do by themselves, what operations shall be reserved for the DBA?
It depends on the work division between the dba and the programmers. The programmers should have sufficient access rights to test their programs. They probably have extra rights to create objects in a development database. In a production database you don't want programmers making changes in objects. I would suggests you create three environments. A development, a test and production environment. Each has its own database instance. In the development database the developers have quite a lot priviledges, in the test database they can access and modify tables, and they have no rights in the production database.

> - which naming scheme should be used for tables, indexes etc?
There are quite a lot naming schemes thought of. I would suggest you ask an experienced developer to make a naming scheme for tables and indexes and you check if these naming schemes are followed.
> - which data types should be avoided?

The LONG datatype. It is hard to manipulate in Oracle SQL and PL/SQL language
> What else should I pay attention to when dealing with programmers?
You should not become the enemy of the programmers, you should be one team. You should strike a balance between utter chaos and overly restricting the programmers.

A last remark, your could better ask you question in the news group

Willem Received on Sat Feb 21 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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