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Re: Database market is saturated fully, there is no more room!!

From: AI Group External User 2 <>
Date: 1998/02/19
Message-ID: <6ch9ge$d0g$>#1/1 wrote:
: Michael Segel wrote:
: >
: > wrote:
: >
: > > You may be wrong please go to this site and click on 'Databases' :-
: > >
: > >
: > > Michael Segel wrote:
: >
: But the problem is - if Sybase, oracle, Informix, Microsoft port their
: s/w to Linux than they may go OUT OF BUSINESS. What it means that US
: corporations had accepted the "Made in Internet" products.
: It is "catch 22" for sybase, oracle, informix, Microsoft --- if they
: port their s/w to Linux than they will be out of business or if they DO
: NOT port their s/w to LINUX even than they will be out of business.

Is it my imagination, or have you had simply too much caffeine? Where do you get off ranting and raving like some lunatic. I am a *huge* Linux fan for the right reasons. However, I can't believe that it is the panacaea for all ills (especially those in your head). I would not run Linux on a production environment because at the end of the day, no-one is accountable for my production environment but me. If I spend a lot of money on hardware and hence support, I can count on a group of well paid proffessionals to clean the shit from the fan so to speak. I would certainly not count on a group of very good technical individuals who didn't understand my business and related everything in terms of Unix. Having the best product and having the best solution are far and away different things.

If you look at it in the above terms, Linux is a great platform where the buck doesn't stop anywhere. In a business environment, I need control and accountability, and last of all an ass to kick to ensure my bottom line does not fall through the floor. I don't want a small investment to mean huge consequences.

Now get back to your comic book!

Jon Machtynger Received on Thu Feb 19 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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