- "Hands on training" requirement for latest OCA/OCP certification?
- 10g on 64bit Linux
- About bringing a suit against Oracle University Turkey...
- Alter Table... Move Tablespace ... command
- any thoughts please?!
- any thoughts please?! (or, "If I post this enough times with enough different subjects maybe someone will respond")
- Best way to connect MS Access 2007 to Oracle 8 database?
- can't create table from package
- Column Name Change
- concatenate the same column with mulitple rows
- Condition in SQL
- convert oracle 9 to 10 base
- copy/paste keys
- Core Dump Running Pro*C Code on Linux
- CRS Error
- Foreign key integrity - is there a way to verify it programmatically?
- Format A Calculated Column in a Query?
- Get the middle part of a result set
- help needed on Rouding function and other things
- Help with Query
- How to access Synonym when it has same name as that of a Table
- how to display a trigger programatically
- Inserting rows into master table from multiple threads
- irrevelant with this group but i really need help (About bringing a suit against Oracle University Turkey)
- Is alternative quoting supported in 9i?
- Java b4 oracle?
- Locking issue from multi thread
- M I.5,Perse cution Moles tation du ring Tra vel
- M'I-5'Pers ecution ' Compari ng the MI 5 Persecut ion w ith Ge rman Fina l Solu tion
- M'I`5'Pers ecution 22, 544 + 8 37 = 2 3,381
- M'I`5,Persecution MI 5 Insi st tha t the se F axes mu st Con tinue
- M,I`5,Pers ecution ' Molestatio n duri ng Tra vel
- M-I,5`Persec ution - Harass ment throu gh t he R adio
- M.I 5-Pe rsecution . M I5 Hav e Syst ematically Dest royed My Li fe
- M.I'5.Persec ution - BB C Newscaster s Lie & Den y Th eyre W atching Me
- M.I,5.Persecuti on . Fo ur Year s of MI5 Persecutio n Pos ts on Interne t Newsgr oups
- M`I 5.Persec ution . Thr ee Y ears of M I5 P ersecution Fa xes
- M`I 5`Persecuti on ` M I5 are Afraid to Admit They re B ehind th e Persec ution
- M`I'5.Persec ution ` MI5 Wa ste Taxp ayer M illions on Pointl ess Hate-Camp aign
- M`I,5.P ersecution - MI 5 Wan t Me to Send Y ou thes e Faxe s
- M`I,5`Persecution - No Justice fo r th e Victim s of M I5
- Mapping hierarchies to lists
- Merging Oracle and active directory
- MI5 Persecution: BBC Newscasters Spying on my Home (536)
- MI5 Persecution: Browse the Website (3478)
- MI5 Persecution: Comparing the MI5 Persecution with German Final Solution (4949)
- MI5 Persecution: Four Years of MI5 Persecution Posts on Internet Newsgroups (7891)
- MI5 Persecution: How to Identify the Persecutors (2007)
- MI5 Persecution: MI5 Waste Taxpayer Millions on Pointless Hate-Campaign (6420)
- MI5-Persecution: .net Magazine Applauds my Website (8208)
- MI5-Persecution: BBC Newscasters Lie & Deny Theyre Watching Me (23489)
- MI5-Persecution: BBC Newscasters Spying on my Home (10391)
- MI5-Persecution: Browse the Website (14757)
- MI5-Persecution: Comparing the MI5 Persecution with German Final Solution (16940)
- MI5-Persecution: Four Years of MI5 Persecution Posts on Internet Newsgroups (21306)
- MI5-Persecution: How Could It Be True? (1659)
- MI5-Persecution: How to Identify the Persecutors (12574)
- MI5-Persecution: MI5 are Afraid to Admit Theyre Behind the Persecution (27855)
- MI5-Persecution: MI5 Have Systematically Destroyed My Life (32221)
- MI5-Persecution: MI5 Waste Taxpayer Millions on Pointless Hate-Campaign (19123)
- MI5-Persecution: Molestation during Travel (25672)
- MI5-Persecution: No Justice for the Victims of MI5 (30038)
- MI5-Persecution: Why do you think MI5 are responsible? (3842)
- MI5-Persecution: Why would they be doing this to you, sir? (6025)
- Need Help on changing ORDER BY sorting technique
- ORA-12514 with 10g Install
- ORA-12514 with 10g Install (LONG...)
- Oracle and Version Control
- Oracle as a career choice
- oracle basics
- Oracle DBA Tutorial !
- Oracle Forms 10g
- oracle programming details
- Passsing parameters between procedures
- problem connecting to db.
- programming buzz
- Query Help
- Re Opening with a MNC
- Re Spammin' and jammin' the comp.databases.oracle newsgroups
- reading random records with JDBC?
- Recompiling invalid objects with a batch file
- return column in select based on another column value
- Sample Script?
- SELECT stmt to file with tab delimiters
- SYS.dba_ddl_locks
- union all in proc*c
- using constants
- View that contains information on account lock status?
- where can i download oraclexml
- Where is secondary Afterburner when we need him?
- XML Parsing
- Last message date: Mon Dec 31 2007 - 10:52:08 CST
- Archived on: Mon Dec 31 2007 - 11:02:05 CST