problem connecting to db.
From: Mr. X. <>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 13:26:27 +0200
Message-ID: <fl0247$r40$>
' ****** when the above error, this code is never reachable ******* msgBox "" & err.number & "," & err.description end_proc:
end sub
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 13:26:27 +0200
Message-ID: <fl0247$r40$>
In my VB 6.0 code, I have tried to connect to oracle-database,
but program just hang (even there is no exception !!!)
Code is :
In alert.log there is a massage (it sometimes occurs when the above hang, but not always when the program hangs) : SMON: Parallel transaction recovery tried
The code in brief:
Public OraCon As New ADODB.Connection
Public mainConnectionStr As String
public sub connectToDB
On Error GoTo connectToDB_err
mainConnectionStr = ...
OraCon.ConnectionString = mainConnectionStr
Call OraCon.Open ' ***** here programs hang sometimes ******
' ***** also, when hang - not always thereis a line on alert.log, but sometimes there is. ****** goto end_proc
' ****** when the above error, this code is never reachable ******* msgBox "" & err.number & "," & err.description end_proc:
end sub
What may be the cause for the above problem ?
Thanks :) Received on Thu Dec 27 2007 - 05:26:27 CST