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c.d.o.misc: by subject
- "TOP N" limit in Oracle 9i sql query utilizing count(*)
- Any free beginner tutorials online?
- best way to to a "union" in a table?
- Database Fails to Open after Recover TableSpace - No Backups!
- error when select xmltype
- Get Previous Day (ie Last Sunday)
- Help rewriting query
- Index-Organized Tables
- insert blob data with pro*c
- Join table to file?
- Left Outer Join, group by, and date-based queries
- new data type or alias for NUMERIC(18)?
- Oracle 8.1.7 and 9i on same AIX server
- Oracle Applications Forums
- Oracle APPS 10.7SC password
- Oracle Licensing, guys i need your expert opinion on this.
- Replace substrings in a column
- restricting table read access to admins
- Slow Oracle Update only under load
- utl_file.fopen with "Append/Write" option
- Last message date: Fri Nov 18 2005 - 21:14:16 CST
- Archived on: Wed Nov 30 2005 - 20:41:06 CST