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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: sql to update where all related records meet criteria
YoMama wrote:
> I need help writing a sql statement. The table structures are as
> follows:
> version table = version_pk, stage_fk
> section table = section_pk, version_fk, stage_fk
> There is a one-to-many relationship from version to section.
> The query needs to update version.stage_fk=61 where ALL of a
> version's related section.stage_fks=61 (if any one section for a
> given version has a stage_fk other than 61, the version should NOT
> change.
> Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!!
HINT: try writing a SELECT statement that returns the result rows you seek. For your example it should either return one row or none.
and translating your problem description to SQL is a matter of seeing certain patterns. So for example, the condition to NOT change version will likely be written as a NOT EXISTS clause.
Received on Tue Nov 01 2005 - 14:38:26 CST