> Frank van Bortel wrote:
>>OTOH: why upgrade (vendor and/or Oracle) if everything
>>works okay, and you have no complaints or wishes?
>>What do you think the odds are you will find a new problem?
> Surely you must be joking. What happens when the obsolete hardware
> dies and can only be replaced by something that has no O7 installation
> media? What happens when someone decides there _is_ a wish or
> complaint? You have an immediate crisis, merely because ordinary care
> (that is, keeping things supportable) wasn't followed.
> Of course, a headhunter recently contacted me with a requirement for
> DEC VMS COBOL and RMS development, and I wasn't sure if she was joking
> (or falling for a joke), either. I can sorta remember RMS, simply
> because I spent so many years at it (and use a tool that can help
> migrating to a modern dbms), but... COBOL? I celebrated never having
> to use it again a quarter century ago! I am just utterly curious what
> sort of org can get themselves into such a dusty corner...
> jg
> --
> is bogus.
> And sometimes the FCC is the good guy:
No I was not joking; it's an often heard argument, and I think
it is valid. Why would you always trade your [whatever] for the
You would never be able to buy a new computer.. :)
Frank van Bortel
Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 09:39:27 CST