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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Ora-00164: Autonomous and Distributed transactions
Am 25 Feb 2005 06:38:41 -0800 schrieb Mark D Powell <>:
> Frank, I searched the Oracle bug database for the number 692232 and got
> no hits. Are you sure that is the correct number?
Yes, i searched successfully in metalink right now.
> We ran several versions of 8.1.7 and make regular constant use of
> distributed transactions and also used anonymous transactions
> successfully as long as we did not mix the two together. We were
> mostly on I was trying to see if the bug was platform
> specific or fixed in one of the patch sets.
Our customer is running on Sun Solaris 2.8, Sparc(64Bit). The bug was filed for Solaris 2.7, Sparc(32Bit). Some people mailed the same Problem to metalink (Forum). The problem was delegated to the OS Group.
> We still run an 8.1.7 db and I wanted to check it out to see if we have
> a potential issue that I need to note. Fortunately we are mostly 9.2.
I will test now setting distributed_transactions = 0 in initSID.ora since we do not need them. May be this helps.
Thanks for reply!
-- Frank Piron, defrankatkonaddot (leftrotate two)Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 09:36:56 CST