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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: performance question with function returning object type
Thanks -- I was going to try adding some counters etc. to prove that
the function was being invoked multiple times, but I have a deadline so
I had move on to an alternate approach. What I am doing now is
returning a table type that contains slightly less aggregated data than
my original function. Although I then have to subsequently do some
simple summarizing of that information, it actually makes the function
more general-purpose and the performance is much better. I have gone
from over 3 minutes to get a set of data to under 2 seconds.
What prompted my first technique was Tom Kyte's "Effective Oracle" book, specifically the technique to avoid an outer join by using a scalar subquery that returns an object type (p 508 - 509). Ultimately I still need this in a scalar subquery, but I now concatenate the values into a single string value and substr() them out in the parent query (this technique is also described on p. 508) instead of using the object type technique.
I appreciate that you took the time to investigate this further... Allan Received on Fri Dec 17 2004 - 09:18:58 CST