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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Shared public calendars in Collaboration Suite
You can't do it, it doesn't work that way. Create a user for the group
calendar and have users use that calendar. Here's a caveat - and a VERY
big one if you're using Outlook. EVERYONE using the calendar has to go
into the connector settings and adjust the date settings to be able to
see past and future appointments or else you get the defaults of only
two weeks past. We wasted two weeks with Oracle support over this one
issue (among dozens), and not only did Support not know it was
configurable, they made no attempt to escalate the query. The only
reason I got resolution was because I repeatedly refused to accept
their answer. In case you're wondering ... no, you can't configure this
from the server side.
Good Luck! Received on Wed Dec 08 2004 - 07:09:01 CST