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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> using aggregate function from other schema
I have a problem with using an aggregate function from another schema in a sql statement.
In the schema 'schema1' I created the object type STRING_AGG_TYPE and the function STRAGG as described by Tom Kyte:
When connected as 'schema1' I can do a 'SELECT stragg(text_column) from t;' without problems.
Now all other users shall be able to use this function. I created a public synonym for STRAGG and granted execute on STRAGG to the users.
When e.g. user2 is connected and he tries 'SELECT stragg(text_column) from
schema1.t;', I get an ORA-29925:
What can I do?
Received on Wed Dec 08 2004 - 06:39:02 CST