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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: charting solution
Thanks all for your suggestions
In summary,
All of the suggestions point to the required knowledge of
one or more of these language or implementation:
Applet : Great Looking, interactive "marketing" charts, no java
required..but it's an applet.
Servelet : Requires Java knowledge, Java container
JSP: Java knowledge
PHP, Perl, Python...
Not exactly suitable for our env - plsql web app off Apache
SVG would be an exellent choice, but requires plug-in & not universally supported.
However, I was thrilled to find "ploticus" ---- GPL, cost ZERO,
chart engine written in C - just pipe commandline parameters & produces gif,
jpeg, svg, flash....unbelievable
check it out !
Received on Tue Apr 13 2004 - 18:53:58 CDT