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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: charting solution
On 03/31/2004 05:47 PM, Robert C said:
> For our pl/sql web app, I am looking for a non-M$ server-side charting
> solution for that has an api that takes in data and dynamically generates
> gif/jpg charts at run-time
> like what you see on finance sites like Yahoo Finance..
> Suggestions, anyone ?
I did something like that by writing a perl program using the module GD:Graph. I wrote it as a generic graphing CGI program that gets all of it's data as parameters.
Then in my mod_plsql app, I do all the work to get the data, and format it as a parameter string that my perl CGI script will accept. Then still from mod_plsql, I create a web page where the IMG's tag SRC is a call to the cgi graphic program.
The result is that my mod_plsql program can produce any type of graph that GD::Graph can.
-- Joe on Tue Apr 13 2004 - 17:30:30 CDT