Quick overview of the state of an Oracle database.
One common problem: You are allocated to a new project and find that nothing is documented.
By running this script, you get four important points of information: Tablespace status, installed products and its versions, oracle parameters different to default and status of tables:
SET LINESIZE 1000 SET PAGESIZE 1000 spool report.txt prompt You can leave this script copied at $ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin\ prompt - Remember to use also statspack o bstats depending on the Oracle version prompt - Review alert.log prompt prompt prompt TABLESPACE STATUS Select t.tablespace_name "Tablespace", t.status "Estado", ROUND(MAX(d.bytes)/1024/1024,2) "MB Tamaño", ROUND((MAX(d.bytes)/1024/1024) - (SUM(decode(f.bytes, NULL,0, f.bytes))/1024/1024),2) "MB Usados", ROUND(SUM(decode(f.bytes, NULL,0, f.bytes))/1024/1024,2) "MB Libres", t.pct_increase "% incremento", SUBSTR(d.file_name,1,80) "Fichero de datos" FROM DBA_FREE_SPACE f, DBA_DATA_FILES d, DBA_TABLESPACES t WHERE t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name AND f.tablespace_name(+) = d.tablespace_name AND f.file_id(+) = d.file_id GROUP BY t.tablespace_name, d.file_name, t.pct_increase, t.status ORDER BY 1,3 DESC; prompt prompt prompt INSTALLED PRODUCTS AND ITS VERSION select * from product_component_version; prompt prompt prompt ORACLE PARAMETERS DIFFERENT TO DEFAULT select name, value from v$parameter where isdefault = 'FALSE'; prompt prompt prompt STATUS OF TABLES select OWNER,TABLE_NAME,PCT_FREE,PCT_USED,AVG_SPACE,PARTITIONED,LAST_ANALYZED from DBA_TABLES ORDER BY OWNER,AVG_SPACE; spool off; quit
Of course, you can modify it, add it to your monitoring scripts, or just run it on a regular basis as well.
- David Lozano Lucas's blog
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