Batch inserts changed to row by row

From: Pap <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 08:29:52 +0530
Message-ID: <>

While trying to upgrade the drivers from Ojdbc6 to ojdbc8, we encountered an issue in which the batch inserts code which were happening by our Java application initially are now being converted to all row by row. The Java code has not been changed though, but it's just the driver upgrade which is happening. And reaching out to the dev team , they mentioned that the batch size has been mentioned in a properties file in Java and there have been no code changes done, it's just the driver upgrade.

 So wanted to check , if anybody encountered such issues while upgrading drivers? We are verifying the batch size from the v$sql by dividing "rows_processed/executions" statistics for that query and its coming as ~1 in the ojdbc-8 driver and thus the inserts are happening very slow ojdbc8. Wondering how we can get to the root cause here?


Received on Fri Sep 13 2024 - 04:59:52 CEST

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