Re: Question - Pro*C / OCI binary on Linux -set FETCHSIZE parameter?

From: Jared Still <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 07:59:29 -0700
Message-ID: <>

oraaccess.xml can be used for clients that are compiled with Oracle libraries.

I've used it successfully for an old COBOL app, which allowed getting 500 rows per call rather than 1.

Something to keep in mind is that using oraaccess.xml will work only for queries that normally return many rows.

A query returning 1 row inside a loop is still going to suffer excessive SQL*Net message from client.

Just drop oraaccess.xml into the TNS_ADMIN location, or modify the current one if there.

 Sorry about the lack of formatting, I cannot get a copy/paste to work correctly.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII" ?> <oraaccess xmlns="" xmlns:oci="" schemaLocation=""> <default_parameters> <prefetch>
<rows>100</rows> </prefetch> </default_parameters> </oraaccess>

That works for C/C++/Cobol/Fortran/Perl DBI, and any other app that uses oracle libraries. Sadly that does not include Java 😒

Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist Principal Consultant at Pythian
Oracle ACE Alumni
Pythian Blog Github: <>

On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 06:28 Chris Taylor <> wrote:

> We recently migrated to OCI (last night) from AWS.
> One of our applications is quite old and built in pro*c (I think - not
> positive) and uses OCI libraries to connect to the database.
> Due to the new latency 10ms between hosts, this application is suffering
> due to number of roundtrips required to answer some queries. (>5000 round
> trips in some cases)
> Does anyone know if its possible to set a system variable in Linux to
> control the fetchsize/arraysize for an OCI compiled binary that the binary
> might possibly pick up and use?
> Thanks,
> Chris

Received on Thu Jul 11 2024 - 16:59:29 CEST

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