Query running slow because cell offload discrepancy

From: Pap <oracle.developer35_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 09:53:54 +0530
Message-ID: <CAEjw_fgr5uahHkNXjyDorFyzNRj-shcSAgHo=VU_W5kvPDaAbQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi All,
This is version 19.21 of oracle Exadata. It's a two node RAC database. We are suddenly seeing the same query which is doing cell smartscan in one node(Node-1) but is not doing on another(node-2). The node in which it does cell smart scan finishes in milliseconds vs in another one it takes 20 seconds.

By running the query i checked the v$sessstats and get the difference in figures as below when the query runs on node-1 vs on node-2 respectively:-

cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload- 16523788288 on Node-1 vs 281649152 on node-2
cell physical IO bytes saved by storage index - 16045342720 on Node-1 vs no data on node-2
physical read bytes- 16523788288 on Node-1 vs 281673728 on node-2 logical read bytes from cache- 29507584 on Node-1 vs 16271810560 on node-2
physical read total bytes optimized- 16523788288 on Node-1 vs 281673728 on node-2

Then I thought , it might be happening because the decision of "cell offloading" depends on VLOT which in turn depends on the size of the buffer cache. But then I noticed in v$parameter, the db_cache_size is set as zero in both the instances. So wondering what must be the cause for this difference in performance then?

sga_max_size - 55GB
sga_target - 44GB
db_cache_size - 0

Below is the details sql monitors for the queries in github link:-


Global Stats

| Elapsed | Cpu | IO | Application | Other | Fetch | Buffer | Read | Read | Uncompressed | Offload | Offload | Cell | | Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) | Waits(s) | Waits(s) | Calls | Gets | Reqs | Bytes | Bytes | Elig Bytes | Returned Bytes | Offload |
|    0.32 |    0.10 |     0.19 |        0.03 |     0.00 |    56 |     2M |
15809 |  15GB |        456MB |       15GB |          289KB | 100.00% |



Global Stats

| Elapsed | Cpu | IO | Application | Cluster | Fetch | Buffer | Read | Read | Uncompressed | Offload | Offload | Cell | | Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) | Waits(s) | Waits(s) | Calls | Gets | Reqs | Bytes | Bytes | Elig Bytes | Returned Bytes | Offload |
|      21 |    9.49 |       11 |        0.02 |     0.00 |     2 |     2M |
37561 | 598MB |        269MB |      269MB |          211KB |  99.92% |



Received on Mon Jun 17 2024 - 06:23:54 CEST

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