Re: Increased runtime and 4 xids for one insert
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 18:38:38 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hi Petr,
we would need some measurements here.
Ideally we would see a sql Monitor Report.
I assume you do not have diagnostics and tuning pack licensed.
Can you please provide us with runtime statistics
And also the Result of this Query:
select inner.*,
ROUND (RATIO_TO_REPORT (seconds ) OVER () * 100) AS "% seconds"
from ( SELECT NVL(event,'CPU') sql_plan_operation, sql_plan_options, sql_plan_line_id, COUNT (*) *10 seconds FROM DBA_HIST_active_sess_history WHERE SQL_ID = '&sql_id' -- AND sample_time between TO_DATE('07.08.2020 13:30:00','DD.MM.YYYYHH24:MI:SS') and TO_DATE('08.08.2020 02:30:00','DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') GROUP BY event, sql_plan_operation, sql_plan_options, sql_plan_line_id order by seconds desc ) inner
Am 10.04.2024 um 17:17 schrieb Petr Novak (novak_petr):
> Hallo Mark,
> no RAC, single instance. The XIDs were not running paralell, but
> after one was finished, the next was started (?). I hope, it can be
> seen in the query (min/max (sample_time)).
> T_TARGET has daily partitions (something like transaction time),
> advanced compression is used on the table and indexes. Last week 4 new
> partitions were created, this week 2.
> Best Regards,
> Petr
> Am Mittwoch, 10. April 2024 um 16:28:04 MESZ hat Mark W. Farnham
> <> Folgendes geschrieben:
> Non-local RAC parallel executions of the select part?
> Tell us more about the partitioning, and whether partitions are being
> dynamically added or increased in size during the insert.
> Tell us whether previous deletions have made long convoluted insert
> eligible contestant freespace bit maps or freelists/freelist groups.
> If there is a reasonable way to partition the select into chunks
> exactly corresponding to the range partition destinations, it is
> likely you can run 4 (say) copies of the insert each inserting into
> the requisite destination partition by name and each at parallel 1,
> and if this is 4 node rac, each using a different insert node.
> Or it could be something completely different.
> mwf
> *From:*
> [] *On Behalf Of *Petr Novak
> ("novak_petr")
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 10, 2024 8:35 AM
> *To:* Oracle List
> *Subject:* Increased runtime and 4 xids for one insert
> Hallo,
> there is problem with increasing execution time of simple Insert
> statement.
> (insert into T_TARGET select * from T_SOURCE)
> Execution time increased overproportionally to increased number of rows.
> 11 millions rows took 3,5 hours , 38 million rows 3 days.
> T_TARGET is 1,5 TB range partitioned table , 1469 partitions and 5
> local indexes (same partitioned key as the table).
> for shorter execution time there was one XID, but for long execution
> time 4 XIDs ??
> ,to_char(min(sample_time),' hh24:mi:ss') mint,
> to_char(max(sample_time),' hh24:mi:ss') maxt
> from dba_hist_active_sess_history where sql_id='fdq9c3q9jfavc'
> and sample_time>to_date('2404052000','yymmddhh24mi') and sample_time<
> to_date('2404082100','yymmddhh24mi')
> SQL_EXEC_START,min(sample_time);
> Min(IntervalEnd) Max(IntervalEnd)
> ---------------- ------------------- -------------- ---------------
> -------------- -------------------- --------------------
> 05.04.2024 20:13:40 1141 11657
> 8 05.04 20:13:44 05.04 20:14:15
> 2E00180051D62200 05.04.2024 20:13:40 1141 11657
> 12532 05.04 20:14:25 06.04 14:04:03
> 05.04.2024 20:13:40 1064 35873
> 12 05.04 20:39:31 06.04 01:42:10
> 05.04.2024 20:13:40 1016 54350
> 8 05.04 20:49:35 05.04 22:16:08
> 05.04.2024 20:13:40 1103 5986
> 16 05.04 21:00:10 06.04 02:49:36
> 05.04.2024 20:13:40 986 61332
> 6 05.04 21:34:39 06.04 04:26:03
> 20001C0008633B00 06.04.2024 14:04:10 1141 11657
> 24486 06.04 14:04:13 08.04 00:55:20
> 06.04.2024 14:04:10 1057 63794
> 6 06.04 14:08:29 07.04 01:10:29
> 06.04.2024 14:04:10 1026 41466
> 8 06.04 14:21:17 06.04 23:58:37
> 06.04.2024 14:04:10 1103 51053
> 16 06.04 14:36:49 06.04 22:38:23
> 15001100CD95C100 08.04.2024 00:55:22 1141 11657
> 8986 08.04 00:55:31 08.04 13:42:29
> 08.04.2024 00:55:22 1026 1396
> 8 08.04 00:59:06 08.04 03:59:52
> 08.04.2024 00:55:22 1104 28322
> 8 08.04 01:05:14 08.04 02:51:25
> 08.04.2024 00:55:22 1005 29042
> 8 08.04 01:21:07 08.04 03:53:02
> 08.04.2024 00:55:22 1075 54721
> 4 08.04 02:05:30 08.04 02:20:00
> 03001200F4F1B600 08.04.2024 13:42:30 1141 11657
> 4178 08.04 13:42:39 08.04 19:39:05
> 08.04.2024 13:42:30 325 35023
> 10 08.04 13:48:48 08.04 16:16:38
> 08.04.2024 13:42:30 296 7915
> 2 08.04 14:30:27 08.04 14:30:27
> 08.04.2024 13:42:30 369 46540
> 4 08.04 14:55:12 08.04 16:05:22
> 08.04.2024 13:42:30 395 14967
> 8 08.04 15:38:13 08.04 18:20:44
> 03001200F4F1B600 1141 11657 16 08.04
> 19:39:15 08.04 19:40:27
> In dba_hist_undostat are same 4 execution start times for this query
> (maxquerylen,maxquerysqlid).
> During the execution I checked the transaction_start and last_call_et
> in the session 1141 and it loooked like TX started hours later since
> last_call_et. TX start was one of these SQL_EXEC_STARTs
> In dba_hist_sqlstat only one execution is shown, most time was spend
> with CPU.
> most ASH samples are related to UNDO TS.
> select tablespace_name,count(*)
> from dba_hist_active_sess_history ,dba_data_files where
> sql_id='fdq9c3q9jfavc'
> and CURRENT_FILE#=file_id
> and sample_time>to_date('2404052000','yymmddhh24mi') and sample_time<
> to_date('2404082100','yymmddhh24mi')
> group by tablespace_name order by count(*) desc;
> ------------------------------ --------------
> UNDOTBS1 32746
> There are also some intervals with increased commit times (2->100ms) ,
> but for me it looks like another issue.
> I have two main questions :
> - how it is possible to have for one execution 4 XIDs ?
> - where the statements spends the time ?
> Any ideas ?
> Best Regards,
> Petr
-- on Wed Apr 10 2024 - 18:38:38 CEST