Re: Describing X$ tables in Oracle 21c and 23c

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 15:41:15 -0400
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 2024-03-30 at 18:13 +0100, Martin Berger wrote:
> Hi Mladen, 
> Maybe you want to define an 
> alias descx=SELECT name, type, object_id
> FROM v$fixed_table
> WHERE lower(name) like 'b1:%';

Hi Martin,
Thanks for your help. However, the above is not quite enough. I would have to follow Jonathan's advice to join x$kqfta and x$kqfco. I need column names and types and V$FIXED_TABLE will not give that to me. The simplest trick would be to check V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION but X$ "tables" are not listed there. 
I will write my own alias and put it into login.sql. I also hope that that Jeff Smith occasionally follows this group and that he will read this and fix the bug. I can switch to sqlplus when I need SYS connection. Thanks again. Frohe Ostern.

Mladen Gogala
Database SME

Received on Sat Mar 30 2024 - 20:41:15 CET

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