Re: Find Data Dictionary Size itself? Multi-tenant in this case

From: Chris Taylor <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2024 12:30:04 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Well, that is very good info in regard to the inner workings of Debezium! Thanks for that.

Good point about the redo log switch check but I wonder on a very busy database how easily that would be to determine.


On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 7:42 AM Mikhail Velikikh <> wrote:

> Debezium should be using DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD
> <>
> which calls the same internal routine as in DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.
> It looks like the dictionary build is indeed performed on each log switch
> based on this excerpt:
> The call that seemingly initiates the dictionary build is:
> `initializeRedoLogsForMining(jdbcConnection, true, startScn);`
> The dictionary build part of this procedure is:
> Since the continuous_mine is desupported in 19c (
> the code should be building the LogMiner dictionary on each log switch if I
> got it right.
> Regarding the size, you can just enable sql_trace and see what is
> performed when you call DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD. There is a bunch of data loads
> done to populate LOGMNR% tables from SYS.COL$/OBJ$/CDEF$/etc. using
> retrospective (AS OF SCN) queries.
> Therefore, 'redo size' seems to be quite a reliable statistic to estimate
> the LogMiner dictionary size in the redo logs:
> ```
> SQL> select value from v$mystat natural join v$statname where name='redo
> size';
> ----------
> 24807052
> PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
> SQL> select value from v$mystat natural join v$statname where name='redo
> size';
> ----------
> 49610532
> SQL> select thread#, name, first_change#, next_change#, dictionary_begin,
> dictionary_end, blocks*block_size size_ from v$archived_log order by
> first_change#;
> ----------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------- ------------ --- --- ----------
> 1
> +DATA/RACDB/ARCHIVELOG/2024_01_04/thread_1_seq_18.301.1157375151
> 728618 729346 YES NO 25659392
> 2 +DATA/RACDB/ARCHIVELOG/2024_01_04/thread_2_seq_6.303.1157375157
> 728621 729367 NO NO
> 9216
> 1
> +DATA/RACDB/ARCHIVELOG/2024_01_04/thread_1_seq_19.302.1157375153
> 729346 729353 NO YES 2048
> 20 rows selected.
> ```
> The actual archive log size ~25M is close to the 'redo size' statistic
> (~24M) in this idle database.
> Of course, when sizing the redo logs, you need to take into account other
> activity which might be happening while the LogMiner dictionary is being
> built.
> Best regards,
> *Mikhail Velikikh*
> On Thu, 4 Jan 2024 at 12:15, Ilmar Kerm <> wrote:
>> I think in this context "dictionary" means this:
>> No idea really, how much data it would add to redo.
>> On Thu, 4 Jan 2024 at 12:40, Chris Taylor <
>>> wrote:
>>> On the surface, this question may seem odd (or silly) but I realize I
>>> don't actually know how to find the size of the data dictionary itself in
>>> Oracle.
>>> The reason this is coming up is that we're playing with Debezium and
>>> Kafka replication, and this article here wants to make sure one redo log is
>>> large enough to house the data dictionary size (so that on a log switch,
>>> every log will have a copy of the data dictionary to compare changes).
>>> Which leads me to realizing, I don't know how to find the size of the DD
>>> itself (or have forgotten).
>>> Article that leads me into this question:
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>> --
>> Ilmar Kerm

Received on Thu Jan 04 2024 - 19:30:04 CET

Original text of this message