Re: What exactly is InnoDB engine in Mysql?
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 07:58:44 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Storage engines are better to be thought as different types of tables,
implementing different features:
1) InnoDB - gives you traditional ACID compliant tables. the default.
2) MyISAM - does not support transactions at all, old default - but the
reasons why MyISAM was faster than InnoDB should not be there anymore in
3) archive - compressed tables, no indexes, no transactions 4) federated - table from a remote database, like a database link 5) csv - reads and writes CSV files 6) and there are more
MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 16 Alternative Storage Engines <>
On Sun, 17 Dec 2023 at 23:12, kunwar singh <> wrote:
> Thanks Mladen! This is very helpful! Appreciate your inputs, as always.
> That clarifies the engine jargon for me :). Sure, I have one MySQL book as
> part of my holidays-to-study-list.
> On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 11:46 AM Mladen Gogala <>
> wrote:
>> Well, the advice first: I am rather familiar with PostgreSQL, in addition
>> to Oracle RDBMS. The advice is simple: read a few books, install MySQL onto
>> your laptop and play with the database. Try doing what you would normally
>> do Oracle and see what does it take with MySQL.
>> As for the storage engine, it is an implementation of the MySQL API for
>> doing I/O. There is a set of generic operations, like "write to file",
>> "read from file", "commit", "log" and alike. An engine is an implementation
>> of those calls. InnoDB is the most standard among those engines, but there
>> are others:
>> MySQL can be used with engine=memory in which case it acts just like x10
>> ("Times Ten") and is rather fast. When dealing with cache, you should
>> always remember that mauve database takes the least RAM.
>> On 12/17/23 09:43, kunwar singh wrote:
>> Hi Listers,
>> I come from an Oracle DB background and am trying to understand the
>> meaning of various components in Mysql. I don't understand what exactly is
>> the engine in the InnoDB *"engine" and *the whole notion of various
>> *engines* in MySQL*. *Is it the MySQL equivalent of Database Buffer
>> Cache in Oracle database?
>> Any recommendations (blogs/trainings/videos) for making the transition to
>> Mysql easy for a Oracle DB specialist?
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Kunwar
>> --
>> Mladen Gogala
>> Database Consultant
>> Tel: (347) 321-1217
> --
> Cheers,
> Kunwar
-- Ilmar Kerm -- on Mon Dec 18 2023 - 07:58:44 CET