Re: optimizing join operation
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 07:35:03 -0800
Message-ID: <>
I would try
table1 left outer join table2 on table2.colx = substr(table1.coly, -
And table1.coly like table2.colx||'%'
You might need a bit of hinting, and/or an expansion to make it an inner join + a not exists.
The key is to not mix tables on either side of your join condition. Equality is always preferred but here a like should be able to transform into a range filter,
On Wed, 29 Nov 2023 at 07:23, Mark W. Farnham <> wrote:
> So you have an equality requirement that can never be true if t1.coly is
> null.
> Whether or not a union all of t1 where t1.coly is null with nulls supplied
> for the column values of t2
> and the same statement using the inline view of t1 where t1.coly is not
> null is faster is a question of data.
> Likewise if t2.colx is null, that is never going to match, either, so you
> could pre-trim the returns from t2 when colx is null in the outer join. I
> don’t know whether the optimizer handed that is not null restriction and a
> single column index on t2.colx [or even the functional index on the
> length(t2.colx)] would optimize the statement in the obvious way.
> I’d fool around with things like that, making quite certain the union all
> could never include a row from t1 twice or leave out a row from t1, since
> you need exactly all the rows from t1 once each.
> Adding a functional index on length(t2.colx) presents the optimizer with
> an opportunity without changing the text of the query at all.
> Adding just a plain index on t2.colx as a single column might also give a
> better plan without changing the text of the query.
> I’m not sure whether the CBO will pick up those opportunities, but it
> might.
> mwf
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Laurentiu Oprea
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 29, 2023 8:08 AM
> *To:* ORACLE-L (
> *Subject:* optimizing join operation
> Dear all,
> Is there a way to optimize a join in the shape of :
> table1 left outer join table2 on table2.colx = substr(table1.coly, -
> length(table2.colx))
> seems like on my 12.1 version DB the optimizer will only pick a NL outer
> with full scan of table2
> Appreciate your answers.
-- on Wed Nov 29 2023 - 16:35:03 CET