Re: Data retention or archiving strategy
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 19:10:13 +0530
Message-ID: <>
I think the strategy was made so as to keep the storage cheapest. With this ILM ADO I think the storage is still going to be Oracle database and also that will be part of all sorts of maintenance which we may not need for historical data. And also ILM ADO might need additional licensing costs. Is my understanding correct?
On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 7:03 PM Pap <> wrote:
> Can you use ILM ADO for this type of use case ? Persisting data in the
> database only with highly compressed fashion and that will be queryable too
> all the time.
> On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 10:35 AM yudhi s <>
> wrote:
>> Hello Listers,
>> We have a requirement to selectively set the retention period of the
>> application data. And the data should be in a queryable state.
>> As because in normal database backup where the backup gets stored
>> compressed in the cheap storage like tape etc for a certain retention
>> period as per business requirement, they are not in an immediate queryable
>> state.
>> In case we need those data, they(those backups) have to be first moved
>> and restored to a database servers and then they will be in a state to be
>> queried back and that takes a lot of time normally. Also we may need to
>> just query data from few selected table but not all. So the requirement is
>> to store the selective data in a queryable state and that to also in cheap
>> storage.
>> So the firm is using a cheap storage called neptune and asking us to move
>> the selective data to that location. So teams suggesting to have the
>> selective data from multiple databases first moves to a JSON-->Clob format
>> and that to a AQ which calls the API to move that to the neptune storage
>> which is always queryable.
>> However, I want to check with the experts here if this is the right
>> strategy or if any other option for catering such requirements exists?
>> Regards
>> Yudhi
-- on Sun Nov 26 2023 - 14:40:13 CET