RE: Oracle 8i to 19c migration
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 21:13:59 +0000
Message-ID: <>
If ALL you’re concerned about is the DATA, i.e., NO “code” like SQL, stored procedures, Java, Python, Oracle Call Interface, ODBC, JDBC or ANY other data ACCESS methods, which would also imply you don’t care how long it takes to copy the data AND that the data is “static”, i.e, not being changed, then export/import is the “safe” bet. As others have noted, you may have to take two steps, to a later version, before 19c.
If ANY the above assumptions are incorrect; then there is NO “good” or “smooth” way to accomplish what you desire.
As I’m sure you know, there are VAST differences in “behavior” of the optimized, operating system and underlying database. If there is ANY “application” involved that is not a complete re-write, you’ll need to test, test and test again; and expect significant rewrites.
Clay Jackson
From: <> On Behalf Of Shravan Kumar Kota Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2023 9:39 AM To: Oracle-L Freelists <> Subject: Oracle 8i to 19c migration
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Hi all
We have 8i db in hpux server , now we are moving to 19c in Linux server.
Which method will be good and smooth o migrate the data.
-- on Thu Nov 23 2023 - 22:13:59 CET