Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: enq: TS - contention (solved, or not?)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 19:54:25 +0000
Message-ID: <>
A couple of points about:
- ASH data showed that when job A finished successfully, it ran just the following statement. The table mentioned is a partitioned table with 128 partitions. This table doesn’t have any indexes.
ASH is sampling - this is NOT "all" that session A ran, it is the thing
that was caught in every sample.
The code looks like SQL embedded in PL/SQL (all upper case, and bind
variables :Bnnn) - so perhaps it's being called by a PL/SQL cursor loop and
the thing that triggers the problem is a query that generates the set of
batch_ids, or a global temporary table that is holding a list of batch_ids.
You need to find and check the PL/SQL source.
It is possible to set up an event to take some action after a specified amount of wait time. If this TS enqueue is waiting indefinitely (rather than timing out and restarting after 3 seconds) you could probably set an even to dump the system state after (e.g.) a 10 seconds wait. I'd have to play around a little bit to remind myself of the appropriate syntax.
Jonathan Lewis
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 22:15, Hameed, Amir <> wrote:
> Thank you, Jonathan and Mark, for your input and suggestions. I will look
> into implementing the Temporary Tablespace Group solution. What I know for
> now is:
> - I opened an SR with Oracle, and after providing all the information
> (TFA, AWR, and whatnot), the engineer suggested running Hang Analyze the
> next time the issue appeared. There was no other suggestion from the
> engineer.
> - ASH data showed that when job A finished successfully, it ran just
> the following statement. The table mentioned is a partitioned table with
> 128 partitions. This table doesn’t have any indexes.
> Thanks
> *From:* <> *On
> Behalf Of *Mark W. Farnham
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 14, 2023 12:09 PM
> *To:*;
> *Subject:* RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: enq: TS - contention (solved, or not?)
> IF they still use multiple logon names, multiple temporary tablespaces
> with different names from TEMP is another option (which could be nicely
> tuned for site load and job schedule if different users are in conflict.)
> Losing that trivial ability was a downside for running all jobs from “APPS.”
> IF this is a mixed EBS and other things database, then even if the EBS is
> a single logon name for job execution, either the EBS logon name (or all
> the other users, including folks who report on EBS things that use “TEMP”
> but are different from the logon for the jobs) can be moved to a different
> “TEMP.” Quite often lots of things use “TEMP” other than EBS, so this may
> be a useful thing even if it is only a bifurcation.
> IF there is a unified default logon name, then constructing multiple
> temporary tablespaces with all the appropriate grants is possible, but
> quite a hassle.
> I definitely like your idea of giving a tablespace group a try. Unless
> there are multiple logon names for the jobs, that is the least monkeying
> around. It might even be less monkeying around than different default
> temporary tablespaces with multiple logon names.
> As far as I know, they never implemented the enhancement request for “use
> ‘THIS’ tablespace as the temp for this session” and temporary tablespace
> groups was the “general” solution that quashed that user control oriented
> solution to this and similar contention (as well as direction to SSD, when
> SSD was usually a small portion of the available media farm.)
> Altering default temporary tablespace for a user, submitting a job
> immediately (which required keeping an open job slot), and then altering
> the default temporary tablespace back as another job also submitted to an
> open slot after a pause long enough for the first job to have used the
> altered temporary tablespace name) was a thing for a while that could make
> a big difference for critical jobs. This isn’t i/o rate, but that should
> also work for contention.
> I think I remember that correctly, but I’m not going to look it up. Oracle
> was never enthused about going to that level of engineering because it was
> anti-marketed as “complicated.”
> mwf
> *From:* [
> <>] *On
> Behalf Of *Jonathan Lewis
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 14, 2023 10:20 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: enq: TS - contention (solved, or not?)
> Mark, it seemed to be the Temp tablespace, so spreading objects is not an
> option. Since it seems to be a big file tablespace neither is adding more
> files - which might otherwise address the concurrency.
> Using a tablespace group, though, might bypass the problem.
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
> (From my iPad mini; please excuse typos and auto-correct)
> On 14 Nov 2023, at 13:52, Mark W. Farnham <> wrote:
> Just curious. Now that JL and others have documented the way to get the
> answer to your question, is your problem solved?
> Reminding that this is a contention issue (apparently not an i/o
> throughput problem), the trivial solution might be to un-dither objects
> from the tablespace evenly into multiple tablespaces based on totals of
> segments requested (and possibly released via truncate for some processes).
> It’s possible that some future patches and upgrades may require that you
> move the objects back to the default tablespaces.
> IF the occurrence of contention is periodic on a workday, weekly, monthly,
> quarterly, or annual basis, simply arranging in the scheduler to run the
> biggest allocators and de-allocators at times askew from each other.
> mwf
> *From:* [
> <>] *On
> Behalf Of *Hameed Amir ("amir.hameed")
> *Sent:* Friday, November 10, 2023 1:47 PM
> *To:* Jonathan Lewis
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: enq: TS - contention
> Hi Jonathan,
> Thank you for the explanation. I looked through DBA_HIST views for
> information on job A for periods when it finished successfully, and I found
> the following statement in all those periods:
> It is a standard Oracle EBS table. It is partitioned and has no index on
> it.
> Can you please show me how to convert P2 into TS name below?
> Event = enq: TS – contention
> P1 = 1414725635
> P2= 196611
> P3= 2
> Thank you,
> Amir
> *From:* Jonathan Lewis <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 9, 2023 6:13 PM
> *To:* Hameed, Amir <>
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: enq: TS - contention
> *CAUTION**: External source*
> I don't know all the options that might appear for the TS enqueue, but it
> is requested during the creation and dropping of many (probably all) types
> of segments. It's not restricted to temporary segments in the temporary
> tablespace.
> The p1, p2, p3 values for the event are
> name || mode, (0x5453000n) --- n is the mode, values 0 - 6
> con_id || ts#, (0xcccctttt) ,,, typical top 4 / bottom 4 hex
> characters, but the con_id might not be there
> tablespace relative block address
> If you can query v$lock id1 will be the (con_id || ts#) and id2 will be
> the block address.
> For creating a segment Oracle gets the TS lock once in exclusive mode on
> the segment header block.
> For dropping a segment Oracle gets the TS lock twice in exclusive mode,
> first for the segment header block, then for the first "data" block of the
> segment.
> It seems unlikely that the SQL you've shown would lead to any type segment
> creation - possibly in a RAC system and with a large number of PDBs, object
> types and users some feature of the view definition might cause a
> SYS-recursive query to generate a very bad plan with a huge temporary
> segment - but that would be a little surprising.
> Is there anything you know about procedures A and B that would lead to
> excessive numbers of segments being rapidly created and dropped, and
> possibly hitting some strange boundary conditions (e.g. lots being created
> - which take the TS enqueue - but the purge option not being specified on
> the drop - which would mean the TS enqueue wouldn't be taken, but a
> background might start dropping segments from the recyclebin when space
> pressure got too high). Another hypothetical problem could be excessive
> demand leading to automatic file extensions and an undetected deadlock.
> I think you need to work out what the procedures are doing around the time
> of the fail, and see if that gives you any clues. Perhaps you could be
> guided by the SQL_IDs in the ASH data in the couple of minutes leading up
> to the wait.
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
> On Wed, 8 Nov 2023 at 18:02, Hameed Amir <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> The database version is, running on OEL8.
> In our Oracle E-Business Suite production database, a batch job (A) runs
> and spawns another job (B). Intermittently, job A runs longer and ends up
> getting terminated by the user. ASH data shows that the process running job
> A awaited the event "*enq: TS - contention*".
> Based on the limited information I have found, this event seems related to
> the TEMP tablespace. There is no SQL_ID associated with the session ID
> waiting on the event. There is a TOP_LEVEL_SQL_ID, which shows the
> following SQL statement:
> *select directory_name from all_directories where directory_path = :1*
> Has anyone run into this issue? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Amir
-- on Wed Nov 22 2023 - 20:54:25 CET