RE: Slow Update
I can find that exact same sql_id in our Oracle EBS db as well, and our execution plan is basically doing what Jonathan says : a NL join between VW_NSO_1 and a unique index scan on PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_U1 instead of your hash join with a full table scan. We end up with a cost of 6 for the update and execution times in the centisecond range (although here it is hardly ever executed – at most once every few days).
From: <> On Behalf Of Jonathan Lewis
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 10:31 PM
To: ORACLE-L ( <>
Subject: Re: Slow Update
The optimizer has unnested the "union all" IN subquery - which is probably a very good idea since you're probably expecting to update only a few items (normally).
The problem is that it's then chosen a full tablescan and hash join to get back to the po_line_locations_all table when it probably should have done a nested loop join using an index on line_location_id.
The error is due to a massive cardinality estimate that appears at operation 16 (2,337K) from an estimate 1 index entry at operation 1. That suggests a stats problem with that specific index - is the release_id a column with a very skewed distribution?
If you can fix that bit of the problem you should see the nested loop and suitable performance - if not you'll have to hint the code into a nested loop join (possibly with an SQL Patch).
Jonathan Lewis
On Thu, 2 Nov 2023 at 19:38, Amit Saroha <<>> wrote:
Hi All,
We have an issue where users are taking a long time to cancel a purchase order line. Using AH data, I was able to identify one of the queries that was taking a while in this procedure. I've attached the monitoring report for your perusal, and I ask that you let me know if you have any suggestions on how to make the query run better.
I appreciate your support and assistance in advance.
Best Regards,
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