Re: DB2 to Oracle Migration
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2023 22:01:45 -0700
Message-Id: <>
AWS Database Migration Service supports Db2 to Oracle via AWS.
> On Oct 1, 2023, at 9:53 PM, manikandan <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Customer has a requirement to migrate their OnPrem DB2 Database to OnPrem Oracle (19c).
> DB2 database details :- Relational database with 5600 tables across 10 schema ( 600 tables are system tables). Size is 25TB.
> I believe we can extract the schema/table metadata using say SQL Developer and create schema and empty tables in Oracle.
> It seems Initial load using Golden Gate is not a viable solution in this case.
> I am looking for a solution to do an Initial load of data to Oracle. Please suggest.
> Thanks,
> Mani
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Received on Mon Oct 02 2023 - 07:01:45 CEST