Re: exchange partition waiting for library cache lock
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:43:43 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Can you share the full ALTER TABLE syntax used?
Schema names and table names aren't important, please just mask them as
you wish, but I'm curious what is used for clauses like UPDATE GLOBAL
INDEXES (and are there any global indexes?) or WITH/WITHOUT VALIDATION, etc?
On 9/11/2023 11:13 AM, Ls Cheng wrote:
libt.tld_type is 1, lib_t.tld_source_file is '/usr/local/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/perl/5.30.0/auto/share/dist/Mail-DMARC-opendmarc/effective_tld_names.dat'
> Hi
> Running 19.15.
> I have some batch processes which run exchange partition commands then
> run some ETL, sometimes the exchange partition takes minutes instead
> of seconds and the ALTER is waiting for the library cache lock. From
> ASH we can see that the blocking sessions are running queries against
> the partition. I tried to reproduce the issue but in my tests the
> exchange partition runs successfully and there is no library cache
> lock while the table is being queried.
> So I wonder what is exactly causing library cache lock to the
> ALTER TABLE exchange partition?
> Thanks
Received on Mon Sep 11 2023 - 20:43:43 CEST