Re: How to avoid using the execution plan with parallel on oracle rac 19.13?
Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 22:29:37 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Hi Quanwen,
Hope that helps,
On Tue, 30 May 2023 at 22:20, Quanwen Zhao <> wrote:
> And also the ADDM report in attachment - not sure how much size Oracle-L
Since your join back to GV$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH was on what should be unique
columns, I don't see why you wouldn't just pull everything from the first
pass. I've attached what I'd do in a rush.
A quick look at the monitor suggests that the IO is done by having to do
the join so this should be a pretty good win.
> allowed the max size is, because SQL monitor report has only 10 KB but has
> 65 KB for a screenshot Oracle-L is forbidden to send (probably the max
> allowed size is 50 KB).
> Quanwen Zhao <> 于2023年5月31日周三 13:12写道:
>> Hello Lothar,
>> You can see the attachment I've uploaded in - it's a SQL monitor report
>> generated by tool sqlhc.
>> Lothar Flatz <> 于2023年5月30日周二 17:53写道:
>>> Hi,
>>> unfortunately there is no attachment in this mail.
>>> A query of the v$ views is often one of the most difficult to tune.
>>> Statistics are often incorrect, estimates are wrong and there is a
>>> tendency by the optimizers to generate inefficient plans.
>>> The general strategy is break the query into smaller parts useing WITH
>>> .. /*+ materialize */ to prohibit view merging.
>>> Even if you read the best books, you would be still a novice with tuning.
>>> Yo would need somebody experienced to help you.
>>> Thanks
>>> Lothar
>>> Am 28.05.2023 um 07:23 schrieb Mladen Gogala:
>>> On 5/27/23 23:10, Quanwen Zhao wrote:
>>> If so, how to optimize the sql to reduce I/O and query time? By the way
>>> I've generated the *SQL monitor* and *ADDM reports* for this sql and
>>> uploaded them in attachment.
>>> Use the Force Quanwen, use the Force. Just kidding. The Force emits CO2
>>> and that's bad for the environment. Greta wouldn't want you to use to
>>> Force.
>>> What you are asking is how to become a DBA. The best way is to join a
>>> large organization which has several levels of DBA personnel and have a
>>> senior DBA mentor you. I would seriously advise Tom Kyte's "Expert Oracle
>>> Arachitecture", the "Core DBA" book by Jonathan Lewis and, mandatory, Cary
>>> Millisap's: "Optimizing Oracle for Performance". The last book is written
>>> in time of Oracle 8i, but is one of the philosophically most important
>>> bookse ever written about Oracle. This is, of course, just for the
>>> starters. After that, there is Christian Antognini's Oracle tuning book and
>>> many others. Being a DBA is a life long process. A good way to start is to
>>> figure out the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow. One has to know
>>> these things when you're a DBA
>>> --
>>> Mladen Gogala
>>> Database Consultantu
>>> Tel: (347) 321-1217
-- on Wed May 31 2023 - 07:29:37 CEST
- application/octet-stream attachment: 47h5f27tkdadh_unwithed.sql