Re: ASM on encrypted filesystem files

From: Niklas Iveslatt <"Niklas>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 07:04:23 -0700
Message-ID: <>

This one might have some useful info?

Niklas Iveslatt
Senior Partner

Arisant LLC ~
44 Inverness Dr. E Bldg. C Suite 2 ~ Englewood, CO 80112 mobile: 303.882.4461 ~ main: 303.330.4065 ~ fax: 888.889.0155

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On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 6:22 AM Tim Gorman <> wrote:

> Friends and colleagues,
> I have a customer who wishes to use Linux DM-CRYPT to encrypt all
> filesystem contents on their Linux systems. They wish for DM-CRYPT to also
> cover their Oracle database files on ASM which they note uses "raw" block
> devices not based on any filesystem, which they feel leaves them choosing
> between using DM-CRYPT and ASM.
> Yes, we've discussed Oracle TDE, and they prefer not to use it. That
> conversation is a dead end.
> I know that it is possible to pre-create empty files on remote NFS
> filesystems and then use those as disk files for ASM, instead of block
> devices, as described in Oracle Support note #731775.1 (entitled "*How To
> Create ASM Diskgroups using NFS/NAS Files*
> <>").
> However, I can't find a similar support article describing the same method
> for local filesystems.
> Has anyone found such a support article, or perhaps use local filesystem
> files as ASM disk?
> Please let me know what you think?
> Thanks!
> -Tim

Received on Wed May 17 2023 - 16:04:23 CEST

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