Re: [External] : Re: How to choose a database

From: Pap <>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2023 15:56:16 +0530
Message-ID: <>

Thank you so much for the details. I think yes, It must be my inexperience , as I have worked mainly on Oracle database and we have many tuning knobs available in this database and we always think in terms of extreme cases of performance , suspecting that things may not scale but while we have not yet proved that theory and we are trying to squeeze the performance of the existing legacy system without doing any major design change which may change the thought process altogether. As you mentioned , the choice of database should be based on maximum features offered with minimal cost , community support, proven critical production deployments, security etc and finally test, test and test. I believe Oracle stands out here considering its proven track record for supporting critical OLTP or hybrid workload. and also as being associated with Oracle for so many years , I personally want the organization to stick into this database only :).

However, while thinking in terms of current trends , the business and applications are trying to get out of the on premise support system and moving to cloud for 'pay as you go/grow' pricing model and they don't want to maintain the infra support rather throwing it to the third party/cloud vendor and trying to concentrate more on the real business related requirement which will help the customer and grow the business. And I do see in some of the cases the cost really going higher than it was in on-premise format, but still the organization wanted to move in that direction as cloud adoption as an overall strategy. It's not about one or two projects but as a whole in many organizations this is the decision I believe. Basically that's what management is foreseeing as to benefit the business in future.

And then considering AWS is the key player with rich application support features and many services for automation easy, observability easy. But at the same time, in the Database space, Oracle has limited presence or say it has a lot of restrictions in AWS cloud, it's getting a negative point. Also on top of that , to avoid cloud vendor lock-ins, the independent databases like cockroach, yugabyte, snowflake are getting noticed and are opted for.

Correct me if my understanding is wrong here.

On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 11:05 PM Mladen Gogala <> wrote:

> On 4/27/23 10:58, Jeff Smith wrote:
> I’d pay at least 2$ for that kind of insight/advice, not a measly 2 pence.
> With the kind of inflation we have now, $2 is what 2c used to be few years
> back.
> --
> Mladen Gogala
> Database Consultant
> Tel: (347) 321-1217

Received on Sun Apr 30 2023 - 12:26:16 CEST

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