From: Sallie Cottingham <Sallie.Cottingham_at_cot.tn.gov>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 15:43:40 +0000
Message-ID: <SA1PR09MB79514F9597647999D46BAEABDE9A9_at_SA1PR09MB7951.namprd09.prod.outlook.com>
Hi -
Anyone have experience using HammerDB for load testing an Oracle DB? We are looking to move an Oracle DB to MS SQL and want to run HammerDB on both to compare results. I've been using the hammerdb.com docs and GitHub discussions to get the software and install on my Linux server. The installation was fine but when I try to run it, I end up with errors talking about the version of GLIBC. (wish8.6: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ./lib/libtk8.6.so)) I am a DBA and not a Linux admin so I'm hesitant to do anything that might affect the os (RHEL 8). The google search results warn against messing with GLIBC.
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 15:43:40 +0000
Message-ID: <SA1PR09MB79514F9597647999D46BAEABDE9A9_at_SA1PR09MB7951.namprd09.prod.outlook.com>
Hi -
Anyone have experience using HammerDB for load testing an Oracle DB? We are looking to move an Oracle DB to MS SQL and want to run HammerDB on both to compare results. I've been using the hammerdb.com docs and GitHub discussions to get the software and install on my Linux server. The installation was fine but when I try to run it, I end up with errors talking about the version of GLIBC. (wish8.6: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ./lib/libtk8.6.so)) I am a DBA and not a Linux admin so I'm hesitant to do anything that might affect the os (RHEL 8). The google search results warn against messing with GLIBC.
If anyone has used HammerDB for an Oracle DB on RHEL Linux, I would love to chat with you!
Sallie A. Cottingham, OCP
Database Administrator
Comptroller of the Treasury
Technology Solutions
425 Rep. John Lewis Way N. | Nashville, TN 37243
sallie.cottingham_at_cot.tn.gov<mailto:sallie.cottingham_at_cot.tn.gov> | Direct Line 615.401.7962
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-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Tue Apr 11 2023 - 17:43:40 CEST
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