Re: Oracle vs SQL Server vs MySQL vs Postgres

From: John Thomas <>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2023 21:44:22 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Kyle, sounds like you have a first draft :-) We'll look forward to the published version!

Oh, and MySQL's equivalent of a shared pool mechanism was pretty worthless some years ago.


John Thomas

On Wed, 1 Mar 2023 at 20:55, kyle Hailey <> wrote:

> Anyone know of good doc on the comparisons across the major RDMS ,
> like the high level performance OMGs?
> Examples
> - SQL Server by default is missing row level locking (OMG! of course
> you can turn it on at a cost)
> - Postgres , any open transaction, be it "create table foo(id int);
> select * from foo; " tanks performance for everyone on the DB doing
> transactions, everyone.
> - Postgres - you wrap your transaction IDs and your database goes
> down a day or two
> - MySQL has similar issue with "create table foo(id int); select *
> from foo; " where the history length list grows.
> - MySQL wait events are worthless. the main wait, like 80% of all
> waits is a CPU, IO and LOCK all rolled into one, yes indeed, worthless OMG
> Kyle

Received on Wed Mar 01 2023 - 22:44:22 CET

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