Re: PGA limits and PL/SQL Arrays
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 09:00:50 +0000
Message-ID: <>
I haven't kicked the tyres on this one, but the paragraph preceding the bit
you've highlighted says that:
*Parallel queries will be treated as a unit. First, the sessions that are
using the most untunable memory will have their calls aborted. Then, if the
total PGA memory usage is still over the limit, the sessions that are using
the most untunable memory will be terminated.*
Your PL/SQL sinners are not sys or background sessions, and PL/SQL arrays
are "untunable memory" - so your sessions will have calls aborted and get
killed if there are too many of them and they are using too much memory.
If the backgrounds manage to run away with too much untunable memory it
ought to be a bug.
On Tue, 21 Feb 2023 at 08:45, Lothar Flatz <> wrote:
> Hi,
Jonathan Lewis
> a very basic question this time:
> Suppose I have a large number of sessions and each of those are running a
> PL/SQL code that fills a PL/SQL array,
> such that PGA_LIMIT is jeopardized.
> Can the database under such circumstance prevent PGA from overshooting the
> I suppose no, when I read: *SYS processes and background processes other
> than job queue processes will not be subjected to any of the actions
> described in this section. Instead, if they are using the most untunable
> memory, they will periodically write a brief summary of their PGA usage to
> a trace file.* (
> )
> I happy to learn more on this topic though.
> Thanks
> Lothar
-- on Tue Feb 21 2023 - 10:00:50 CET