Re: High response time with top 'Other' and 'application' wait class
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2022 08:31:11 +0530
Message-ID: <>
There is a bug i see in MOS which is almost matching with your symptom
Slow Performance Due to Waits for: "Enq: KO - Fast Object Checkpoint" and
"Reliable Message" (Doc ID 1377830.1)
On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 8:25 AM Lok P <> wrote:
> Hello ,
> It's version 19C of the oracle database. We got complaints from the
> application team of sudden slowness and thus app traffic automatically
> redirected to another active DB replica.While looking into the DB side, we
> do observe high wait events from wait class 'Other' and 'Application' in
> OEM. It lasted for exactly 2-3 minutes as the application team is
> complaining about. And then fetching the "ash wait chain" and "ash top" ,
> it's pointing to significantly high wait event like "reliable message"
> (~75%), "enq: KO - fast object checkpoint","gcs drm freeze in enter server
> mode" from same wait class 'other' and 'application'.
> Below is the ASH top and ASH wait chain from the issue duration of
> ~5minutes interval. And the select query which is coming on top. And table
> CB is holding just ~41 rows in it.
> And also the top query which is showing in "ash top" is a SELECT query and
> it does have a FTS in it (which is suggesting why the checkpoint waits),
> however, this select query doesn't have any plan change observed in it or
> not any high execution. And also we are not seeing any specific blocking
> session for this. The "wait chain" showing LMON/lock monitor process in one
> of the lines also does point to some event like "Wait for msg sends to
> complete ''. Not yet able to figure out how these are related to this
> issue. Still trying to understand what could have caused such a scenario?
> This SELECT query executes 100's of thousands of times in ~15minutes
> window. So is it possible that this query(or say its underlying table CB)
> might have thrashed out from buffer cache to disk and fetched data from
> disk rather than cache for that time and this causing all these sort of
> issues? And considering this table is very small (~1MB in size and holding
> just ~41 rows), should we consider putting it as inmemory by changing
> "inmemory_clause_default" to 'BASE_LEVEL' and "INMEMORY_SIZE" to 16GB ?
-- on Tue Nov 29 2022 - 04:01:11 CET