Re: Zero DataLoss
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 09:30:53 +0530
Message-ID: <>
Dear All,
Thanks for the suggestion and detailed explanation .
Unfortunately, customer is rigid to have fast sync in place , but in other db of same environment we had issue with it causing hude spike leading is timeout in transaction , so i was trying to understand for other way .
Thanks everyone for time and explanation .
On Thu, 10 Nov 2022 at 00:51, Tim Gorman <> wrote:
> A good adviser understands enough to detect disconnects between intentions
> and behaviors. Seeking zero data loss while prioritizing performance is a
> disconnect. Choose a goal, stick with it.
> A great adviser understands enough to recommend a range of solutions,
> describing tradeoffs between them, and there are ALWAYS tradeoffs.
> MAX_AVAILABILITY can minimize data loss almost to the point of zero data
> loss, but the chance is always there. With a little help from other
> features like FarSync, MAX_AVAILABILITY can also minimize performance
> impact.
> A trusted adviser shares insight even when it might be unwelcome,
> especially because it might be unwelcome. No organization will enjoy being
> informed that their own preferences for performance push them away from
> their goal of zero data loss.
> On 11/9/2022 10:10 AM, Mark W. Farnham wrote:
> I absolutely love this instance of “can’t be unseen once you see it” and I
> heartily endorse Tim’s statement on this as well as Clay’s kind words and
> his point.
> mwf
> *From:* Tim Gorman [ <>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 09, 2022 11:26 AM
> *To:*;;;
> 'Oracle L'
> *Subject:* Re: Zero DataLoss
> Friends,
> I'd like to point out something perhaps subtle but can't be unseen once
> you see it.
> The DataGuard product group at Oracle has been nothing less than brilliant
> in creating and naming the three modes of DataGuard...
> The simple fact is that it is *not possible* to prioritize data
> protection, service availability, and service performance simultaneously.
> Only one of these can be the top priority, and the other two must be
> subordinate. Period. End of sentence.
> If you are going to prioritize data protection (a.k.a. true ZERO data
> loss), then you must do so regardless of the impact on availability or
> performance of the database service. If zero data loss is really the goal,
> then the other considerations must be subordinate.
> That is why MAX_PROTECTION is rarely used in real-life. Very, very few
> organizations are willing to subordinate service availability.
> MAX_PROTECTION requires that if the standby is down, then the primary must
> be down too, which is absolutely what is required for maximum data
> protection. If a pending transaction cannot be protected, then it cannot
> be permitted to commit. This is not a limitation or a compromise, this is
> simply purity of vision.
> It's almost like the old saying about three choices of good, fast, and
> cheap, except in this situation you only choose any one. There is always a
> trade-off.
> The original poster's opening sentence about "*zero data loss
> availability*" shows fundamental confusion, because there is no such
> thing as data protection and availability with equal priority. Either "z*ero
> data loss*" is the goal, or "*availability*" is the goal.
> The original poster's organization has clearly chosen against "*zero data
> loss*" in prioritizing either availability or performance above. They
> should listen to their own decision, and realize that the organization is
> implicitly prioritizing performance over data protection and availability.
> There is no judgement here, it is simply a fact. zero data loss is not
> possible unless it is the priority.
> All that being said, MAX_AVAILABILITY does minimize the possibility of
> data loss substantially, and with the inclusion of a FarSync instance, can
> also greatly minimize impact on performance. MAX_AVAILABILITY is the mode
> that most closely approaches the ideal of meeting all three priorities, but
> still it requires dedication to service availability as the top priority,
> making data protection and performance subordinate. So by choosing
> MAX_AVAILABILITY, be clear that there must be a negative impact on data
> protection (i.e. RPO > 0) and on application performance, albeit
> minimized. Likewise, choosing MAX_PERFORMANCE must be accompanied by
> acceptance of a significant negative impact on data protection as well as
> service availability.
> Choose one of the three modes, and understand all the implications of that
> choice. Also, understand what must be improved infrastructurally in order
> to adhere to the chosen mode. Nobody uses MAX_AVAILABILITY or
> MAX_PROTECTION on the "cheap".
> Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
> Hope this helps...
> -Tim
> On 11/9/2022 7:04 AM, Clay Jackson (Clay.Jackson) wrote:
> As usual, MWF hit the relevant points, except perhaps not standing in the
> predicted meteor impact zone😊. Also consider these points:
> For ANY zero data loss system it’s possible to come up with a scenario
> where (committed) data will be lost.
> Attempting to achieve zero data loss can be an infinite resource (time and
> money) sink, so one should ALWAYS consider things like the cost and
> probability of that “last bit” of data actually being “lost”.
> And something to think about with MAA – all MAA or any “two-phase commit”
> system does is prevent a transaction from committing until there are
> multiple (presumably at least one of would be “secure”) copies of said
> transaction. In a failure scenario, what really happens is that the “last
> transaction”, which in fact MAY have been “commitable” in a non-MAA
> environment, doesn’t get committed, and, like any other “in-flight”
> transaction, is “lost”. All you’re really doing is changing the timing.
> Good luck!
> Clay Jackson
> *From:* <>
> <> *On Behalf Of *Mark W. Farnham
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 9, 2022 5:27 AM
> *To:*; 'Oracle L' <>
> <>
> *Subject:* RE: Zero DataLoss
> *CAUTION:* This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> follow guidance, click links, or open attachments unless you recognize the
> sender and know the content is safe.
> Presuming you’re already doing some sort of log application to a recovery
> system, a radio accessible way to pull the redo logs from a “dead” data
> center to be taken to your remote recovery site is probably the best you
> can do. Axxana Inc had this sort of hardware, but I’m getting a problem
> trying to visit their website to copy a link to you.
> IF a given “disaster” has a little warning you can update a custom table
> (say insert a row with the current scn and timestamp), commit, alter system
> switch logfile, alter system archive log all to accelerate shoving all the
> transactions committed so far to your recovery system. You can also have a
> policy that switches the database to restricted in the event of a disaster
> “early warning” but notice that in our mostly hacked world that is a
> slippery slope under time pressure for analysis. In combination those steps
> maximize the chances of shoving the required redo logs to your remote
> recovery systems in time. In lieu of the overhead of MAA or a piece of
> hardware that has a plex of your logfiles and archived logfiles and can
> transmit them in a burned up building that is buried in the crevasse of an
> earthquake and flooded in the crevasse, that’s about as close to zero as
> you are going to get. (I didn’t mention nuclear, because if you put a radio
> transmit unit in an EMP cage, you probably interfere with its ability to
> transmit. I leave that as an exercise for the community.)
> mwf
> *From:* [
> <>] *On
> Behalf Of *Krishnaprasad Yadav
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 08, 2022 10:55 PM
> *To:* Oracle L
> *Subject:* Zero DataLoss
> Dear Experts,
> We want to achieve zero data loss availability in our environment , for
> this we are planning to put MAA in DB , but we see there is overhead of
> redo causing lgwr events .
> so we put it back to maximum performance .
> Apart from using ZDLRA and MAA, is their any other solution we can use to
> achieve this? .
> Regards,
> Krishna
-- on Thu Nov 10 2022 - 05:00:53 CET