Re: How to minimise sorting time in a query
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2022 19:56:26 +0000
Message-ID: <>
I missed the detail that it was (c1, c2, create_dt) that was the primar
key, and slipped to the end of the sentence where you had (c1, c2) is
Is the combination (c1, c2) declared as unique, or are you hoping it will
stay unique without an enforcing constraint. If you've got a declared
constraint is it safe to assume it's enforce by a global index on (c1,c2)?
A globally partitioned index has to be prefixed by the column that's used
to partition it, not by the table's partitioning column(s) so you can
create a globally partitioned index on (c1, c2, c3) which is partitioned by
C1 viz:
create index t1_i1 on t1(c1,c2,c3) global partition by range (c1) (
Because t1_i1 is not a (non-unique) globally partitioned index starting
with (c1, c2), you can also enforce uniqueness on (c1, c2) by executing:
alter table t1 add constraint t1_uk unique (c1, c2) using index t1_i1;
On Mon, 7 Nov 2022 at 16:45, Lok P <> wrote:
> Thank you Jonathan, Andy, Lothar.
partition p1 values less than ('31'),
partition p2 values less than ('32'),
partition pm values less than (maxvalue)
Jonathan Lewis
> "*Since you want to partition by create_date the globally partitioned
> index on (c1,c2,c3) is probably the best bet. You've said that (c1,c2) is
> unique (and the primary key) - so for the heap table solution you could
> create the globally partitioned index on (c1, c2, c3) as a non-unique index
> and then associate the primary key with it then drop the old unique index."*
> Am I misinterpreting the above? as because the global partitioned index
> will need to be prefixed , so in that case for the index to be partitioned
> on create_date, it will ask for create_date to be the leading column
> something as in below plan and in that case the sorting will happen across
> all index partitions data.
> And though the combination of (C1,C2) is unique , the current PK is on
> (C1,c2 ,date_create), so adding yet another column c3 to it won't
> satisfy the PK uniqueness as it was doing before.
> create index idx on tab(date_create,c1,c2,c3) global PARTITION BY RANGE
> (date_create)......;
> Execution Plan
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Plan hash value: 2815965656
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
> Pstart| Pstop |
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 5666 | 199K| 14 (8)| 00:00:01 |
> | |
> | 1 | SORT ORDER BY | | 5666 | 199K| 14 (8)| 00:00:01 |
> | |
> | 2 | PARTITION RANGE ALL | | 5666 | 199K| 13 (0)| 00:00:01 |
> 1 | 5 |
> | 3 | INDEX STORAGE FAST FULL SCAN| IDX12 | 5666 | 199K| 13 (0)|
> 00:00:01 | 1 | 5 |
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> In regards to ETL logic, it picks the data from this database and cache it
> and try to use this as lookup while reading data from other database tables
> and filter it through. The ETL tool has some restrictions due to which it
> cant persist the data so as to use the same sorted cached data throughout
> the day across multiple workflows. And thinking of joining the data across
> the databases using DB links, they are not allowed in this environment here
> due to some security issues. and yes, C1 is a character representation of
> number like data which is why posing a challenge to range partition through
> it in equal intervals. We tested earlier fetching all data unsorted and
> sorting it in ETL was taking a lot more time as compared to it does on the
> DB side.
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 4:43 PM Jonathan Lewis <>
> wrote:
>> >> And also when you mentioned "*and you have to worry about the impact
>> on data loading. If you need other indexes on the table you then have to
>> worry about the effects on those indexes (for both loading and querying).*"
>> I was not able to fully understand. Is this something as below..
>> Without knowing anything about your table, column and index definitions
>> it's not possible (and could be counter-productive) to make specific
>> suggestions, hence the need for generic warnings that leave it up to you to
>> apply the extra information you have. The thoughts you've had about the
>> effect of the costs and benefits of setting the table up as an IOT are
>> essentially correct - it's all driven by the fact that
>> a) when you load a heap table the table data goes into the next few
>> allocated blocks, densely packed and Oracle has some scope for optimising
>> the index maintenance,
>> compared to
>> b) when you load a heap table the data tends to end up scattered over a
>> large number of ("leaf") blocks of the IOT, and then the primary key and
>> block address of each row has to be used in the secondary index
>> Another factor in the querying by secondary index is that Oracle uses the
>> stored block address as a "guess" of where the row will be in the IOT, and
>> if the guess is wrong it then uses the stored primary key to find the row.
>> When the data is constantly growing the guesses often become wrong fairly
>> frequently. (See
>> - which
>> also describes a bug in secondary indexes that I haven't checked for the
>> latest versions of Oracle, though it does appear in 19.3).
>> Since you want to partition by create_date the globally partitioned index
>> on (c1,c2,c3) is probably the best bet. You've said that (c1,c2) is unique
>> (and the primary key)
>> globally partitioned index on (c1, c2, c3) as a non-unique index and then
>> associate the primary key with it then drop the old unique index.
>> You've shown a plan where Oracle did a partition-wise index fast full
>> scan - that was just a costing thing, if you hint the query to use an index
>> but NOT an index_ffs() then it should be able to read the index in order.
>> As Andrew Sayer points out, though, dragging 2 billion rows across the
>> network 10 times per day is an extreme thing to do to satisfy your ETL
>> tool. Insisting on having them sorted is even worse. An incremental
>> mechanism might be a lot better if the tool will accept it, or if you have
>> to drag all the data across then using a tablescan and letting the ETL tool
>> do the sorting might be the best bet. In passing, I think we've noted in
>> the past that C1 is a character representation of a fixed width number - so
>> yet another optimisation detail (for network traffic) might be to pass a
>> to_number(c1) to the ETL tool (which, who knows, might be converting the
>> incoming character to numeric anyway).
>> Regards
>> Jonathan Lewis
>> On Sun, 6 Nov 2022 at 12:57, Lok P <> wrote:
>>> Thank you so much Jonathan and Mladen.
>>> Currently the table is a yearly range partitioned on DT_CREATE column
>>> and it has data for last ~8 years so total ~8 partitions. Also the table
>>> has a primary key in column (c1,c2,DT_CREATE). And we have another b-tree
>>> index present on column C3. All are local index only. And the combination
>>> of (c1,c2) is unique only.
-- on Mon Nov 07 2022 - 20:56:26 CET