Re: Is it just me, or has Oracle completely lost the plot?
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 16:32:56 +0200
Message-ID: <>
There is also a lot of competitors now. Sqlserver has become much better than before. DB2 has improved a lot. Postgresql can be very good in some situations . And, not everywhere the doctor orders you to use a transactional database. If you manage something in which acid is not mandatory ( and there are field, for example, if i change my photo on my profile or my age, in a social network, and it does not change at the same time for everyone, it is not a great problem ), then there are a lot of great products to compete with ( nosqldatabases, redis, mongodb) so i think it is quite obvious that they continue to add new features, sometimes also releasing too fast ...
Il giorno lun 24 ott 2022 alle ore 01:17 Jon Crisler <> ha scritto:
> They need the features when doing comparisons with other products . My
> problem is that the amount of bugs seems to be growing the last few years ,
> which I attribute to some change in the QA / Testing process . It is
> quite irritating to trip onto some bug, then find out the bug report has
> been languishing for 2-3 years without progress .
> My other complaint is that the documentation effort seems to have slacked
> off .
> Sent from my Atari 2600
> On Oct 23, 2022, at 6:16 PM, Chris Taylor <
>> wrote:
> This is going to sound like old man / old technologist complaints, and it
> may be.
> But I am a technologist and the more I work with new versions of Oracle ,
> the less and less satisfied I am with the new versions.
> Stuffing JSON, XML, CDC and whatever else into the database server *used
> to make sense* when the db server was the power house - when CPU, storage,
> network were expensive and your db server had all the horse power.
> Today is not that day. Today you can spin up a middle tier cluster with
> tons of CPU power, god awful network bandwidth and amazing storage.
> Since 12.1 I have spent more time with support and yelling at them to
> listen and to get an engineer on the call then all the years before (going
> back to 7.1).
> These ORA-01555 errors that come up with everything _besides_ actual
> rollback / undo space issues are incredibly incredibly annoying.
> It's no wonder people are leaving Oracle in DROVES - you have the
> licensing, you have the bugs and you have the support issues.
> Add to that Oracle stuffs their database product with so much stuff that
> no one uses, its no wonder people are leaving.
> I'm so fed up and looking forward to getting off Oracle and re-routing my
> career into something new (postgres, snowflake, dynamo db , anything
> besides Oracle and their issues).
> End of rant. Just wondering if I'm alone in this or not?
> Chris
-- on Mon Oct 24 2022 - 16:32:56 CEST