Re: Improving query performance further
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 09:33:58 +0100
Message-ID: <>
I did point out that the strategy would be fairly fragile, but there are a
couple of points in its favour if the optimizer decides to use adaptive
cursor sharing.
On Fri, 14 Oct 2022 at 22:33, Lok P <> wrote:
> Also Jonathan, as the OP mentioned there exists ~120K distinct values
Jonathan Lewis
> in both the min and max columns and that to those are varchar2 type
> holding numbers. So the histograms on each of those with max ~254 buckets
> may not be able to give 100% correct estimation for these ranges prdicates
> for all the binds and thus endup impacting the query response.
-- on Sat Oct 15 2022 - 10:33:58 CEST