Re: Improving query performance further
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 02:11:38 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hi Andy
Oh, yes, I also had a couple of examples of own odci indexes for such
cases, but it would be great to see your variant!
Best regards,
On Wed, 12 Oct 2022, 02:05 Andy Sayer, <> wrote:
> I have a demo for a domain index which allows this sort of query to be
Sayan Malakshinov
Oracle performance tuning expert
Oracle Database Developer Choice Award winner
Oracle ACE
> very fast. Essentially it creates an index entry for each value (with your
> desired granularity) between your min and max columns and does look ups
> based on that. The domain index knows what the granularity is so as well as
> :bind between x and y it queries new_domain_column between :bind -
> granularity and :bind + granularity.
> Unfortunately, the demo is on the pc that I left in the UK when I moved to
> Canada. This might be enough information for you to get going with,
> otherwise I was planning on publishing my work when I visit the UK in
> December.
> The other, easier but less guaranteed, way of combining two range
> predicates on different columns is to partition the index by one of the
> columns. Eg your index would be on some_key, start_date and your
> partitioning would be on end_date. Oracle would then need to do a range
> scan using your some_key and start_date filters as access predicates once
> per partition which matches your end_date filter. You’d have to decide
> which column is the partition key and how wide to make the partitions, and
> you might not gain a lot.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 5:38 PM, Sayan Malakshinov <>
> wrote:
>> I tuned a lot of similar queries: tried different methods (even spatial
>> RTree indexes) and made a lot of tests, so I'll try to describe and
>> summarize them all later, when I have more time, but for now just in short:
>> Let''s simplify it just to:
>> - table T(A,B)
>> - index (A,B)
>> - select * from T where :X between A and B
>> - ":X between A and B" is very selective
>> The main problem in this case is that you need to check all index entries
>> A<:X, for example you have:
>> A | B
>> --------
>> 1 1
>> 1 2
>> 1 3
>> .....
>> 1 100
>> 2 107
>> 2 111
>> ....
>> 2 215
>> 3 204
>> 3 206
>> ....
>> 3 299
>> ...
>> 998 99799
>> 999 99801
>> ...
>> 999 99900
>> where each A has about 100 different B,
>> and your :X = 700, so, though there are just about 100 rows satisfying
>> both conditions, INDEX RANGE SCAN with access predicate A<:X will scan
>> 700*100 index entries, and filter out 699*100 of them by filter predicate
>> (B>:X).
>> So we have just a few different situations and key points:
>> ===================================================================================
>> *0. There is a limitation of max(B-A) and it's quite small, ie
>> max(B[x]-A[x]) << max(B) - min(A)*In this case, you can simply add a
>> couple of additional predicates:
>> select *
>> from T
>> where A between :X-:MAX_DIFF and :X
>> and B between :X-:MAX_DIFF and :X
>> ;
>> So you''ll get a short search range for A (ACCESS predicates for the
>> first column of the index).
>> //For example, it may be short intervals or start/end dates of short time
>> events, with check constraints like (b-a<N)
>> ===================================================================================
>> *1. There is a perfect positive correlation between A and B, ie if a2>a1,
>> must be b2>b1*
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *1.1 There is no intersection of any 2 intervals (Ax - Bx), (Ay - By)*
>> This means that for any :X you need to find just 1 row, so you can stop
>> to scan the index after the first found row.
>> We can rewrite our query for that like this:
>> select *
>> from
>> (select * from T where A<=:X order by A desc fetch first 1 row only) --
>> to force IRS DESCENDING (IRS - index range scan) and stop after 1 row
>> where
>> B>:X -- our second predicate is one level upper, so we check just 1 row
>> maximum
>> -- IIRC there were some problems with IRS DESC in case of "fetch first",
>> so I'll rewrite it to make it more reliable:
>> select *
>> from
>> (select *
>> from
>> (select * from T where A<=:X order by A desc) -- to force IRS
>> where rownum=1) -- and stop after 1 row
>> where
>> B>:X -- our second predicate
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *1.2 There may be intersections:*This means that you can't stop after
>> the first found row satisfying our conditions. We need to find all of them.
>> Unfortunately, there is no a documented method to make a dynamic SQL
>> condition like "please stop, I don't need other rows", but we can simply
>> use PL/SQL for that:
>> declare
>> X number := 34;
>> cursor c_1(p number) is
>> select * from T where A<=p order by A desc;
>> R c_1%rowtype;
>> begin
>> open c_1(X);
>> <<LL>>
>> loop
>> fetch c_1 into R;
>> if R.B>=X then
>> dbms_output.put_line(R.A ||' '||R.B); -- or pipe row or collect
>> ROWIDS and return them as a collection, etc
>> else
>> exit LL;
>> end if;
>> end loop;
>> end;
>> /
>> As you can see, we stop fetching cursor C_1 when R.B becomes lower than X.
>> Of course to make it more convenient you can wrap it into a pipelined
>> pl/sql table function or even use it with INLINE pl/sql functions.
>> ===================================================================================
>> *2. There is no correlation between A and B, ie if a2>a1, it doesn't mean
>> that b2>b1 :*
>> This one is the most difficult problem, because in case of unknown X we
>> need to check all rows that have A<=X (or all rows with B>=X).
>> Obviously, it would be great if we know some common patterns and
>> distribution of A/B/X, for example:
>> - A and B are dates -- like table DT (start_date date, end_date date...)
>> - min(A) and min(B) ~ 10-20 years ago
>> - max(A) and max(B) ~ sysdate
>> - and X usually is in the range of [sysdate-10; sysdate]
>> - number of rows satisfying our conditions are pretty small
>> In this case we could create index (B,A), just because we have less rows
>> satisfying B>=X than A<=X.
>> Or sometimes it maybe useful to create 2 indexes (A) and (B) and use
>> bitmap_and operation like this:
>> select/*+ index_combine(t) */ * from t where :X between a and b;
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> | Id | Operation | Name |
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> | 3 | BITMAP AND | |
>> | 5 | SORT ORDER BY | |
>> |* 6 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IX_B |
>> | 8 | SORT ORDER BY | |
>> |* 9 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IX_A |
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> 6 - access("B">=TO_NUMBER(:X))
>> filter("B">=TO_NUMBER(:X))
>> 9 - access("A"<=TO_NUMBER(:X))
>> filter("A"<=TO_NUMBER(:X))
>> ===================================================================================
>> But in general, there is no silver bullet for such cases...
>> On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 10:58 PM Tim Gorman <> wrote:
>>> Have you considered making TABLE1 an IOT? No, not an "internet of
>>> things" but an "index-organized table"...
>>> If the primary method of access is the primary key, and TABLE1 is has
>>> "narrow" rows (i.e. AVG_ROW_LEN less than 20-25 bytes or so), then an IOT
>>> could save on the number of logical reads. There's a lot of "if"s, but the
>>> best approach is not to think about it, but just go ahead and test it,
>>> side-by-side with the existing table. After all, it's only about ~100MB in
>>> size, right?
>>> But, at the very least, it shouldn't be difficult to just put the table
>>> and the PK index together into the KEEP pool of the Buffer Cache? After
>>> all, although the ideal is to size the KEEP pool to accommodate the entire
>>> objects assigned to it, you certainly aren't required to size it that way.
>>> You just want to size it so that buffers flush out far more slowly than
>>> they do in the DEFAULT pool.
>>> <rant>Too many DBAs think that the SGA should only use about 50% of the
>>> available physical memory on a host, which is nonsense. The Linux/UNIX
>>> operating systems only need a few GB of memory, and AWR can tell you
>>> unequivocally how much space is needed for PGA, so the SGA should be sized
>>> closer to the Oracle-imposed maximum of 90% of host physical memory. It's
>>> there. It's not being used. Use it. If I had a nickel for every unused
>>> GB of RAM on Oracle database servers, I could buy my own Hawaiian
>>> island.</rant>
>>> Hope this helps!
>>> Enjoy!
>>> On 10/11/2022 2:04 PM, yudhi s wrote:
>>> Hello Listers, We have a customer database on Oracle version 19C. We
>>> have a simple query as below. and as per current design is executing ~200
>>> to 300 times per second and it's part of a bigger process and thus is one
>>> of the top consumers in that. Now as we are working to change the design to
>>> make the number of execution of this query lesser to help the process. But
>>> that needs much more impact analysis, so we were thinking of any possible
>>> easy way to make the individual execution of this query faster? Or say any
>>> structural change(new index etc.) which can further drop the IO/CPU
>>> requirement for individual execution of this query?
>>> Currently this query is accessing table TABLE1 through a primary key
>>> which is on three columns (PART_COL,MIN_VALUE,MAX_VAL). The table is
>>> partitioned on column PART_COL. This table contains ~400K rows and is
>>> ~100MB in size. It's a master data kind of table.
>>> Global Information
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Status : DONE (ALL ROWS)
>>> Instance ID : 1
>>> SQL Execution ID : 16777216
>>> Execution Started : 10/11/2022 09:36:48
>>> First Refresh Time : 10/11/2022 09:36:48
>>> Last Refresh Time : 10/11/2022 09:36:48
>>> Duration : .06173s
>>> Module/Action : SQL*Plus/-
>>> Program : sqlplus.exe
>>> Fetch Calls : 1
>>> Binds
>>> ========================================================================================================================
>>> | Name | Position | Type | Value
>>> |
>>> ========================================================================================================================
>>> | :B2 | 1 | NUMBER | 2 |
>>> | :B1 | 2 | VARCHAR2(4000) | XXXXXXXXXXX
>>> |
>>> ========================================================================================================================
>>> Global Stats
>>> =========================================================================================
>>> | Elapsed | Cpu | IO | Concurrency | Cluster | Fetch | Buffer | Read
>>> | Read |
>>> | Time(s) | Time(s) | Waits(s) | Waits(s) | Waits(s) | Calls | Gets |
>>> Reqs | Bytes |
>>> =========================================================================================
>>> | 0.06 | 0.04 | 0.02 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1 | 911 | 778 | 6MB |
>>> =========================================================================================
>>> SQL Plan Monitoring Details (Plan Hash Value=692467662)
>>> ======================================================================================================================================================================================
>>> | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Cost |
>>> Time | Start | Execs | Rows | Read | Read | Activity | Activity Detail |
>>> | | | | (Estim) | | Active(s) |
>>> Active | | (Actual) | Reqs | Bytes | (%) | (# samples) |
>>> ======================================================================================================================================================================================
>>> | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | |
>>> | 1 | | | | | |
>>> | 1 | PARTITION RANGE SINGLE | | 10610 | 928 |
>>> | | 1 | | | | | |
>>> 10610 | 928 | | | 1 | | | | | |
>>> | 3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | PK_TABLE1 | 10610 | 771
>>> | | | 1 | | 770 | 6MB | | |
>>> ======================================================================================================================================================================================
>>> Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
>>> ---------------------------------------------------
>>> 3 - access("PART_COL"=TO_NUMBER(:B2) AND "MAX_VALUE">=:B1 AND
>>> "MIN_VAL"<=:B1)
>>> filter("MAX_VALUE">=:B1)
>>> Statistics
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> 37 recursive calls
>>> 0 db block gets
>>> 911 consistent gets
>>> 778 physical reads
>>> 41076 redo size
>>> 260 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
>>> 489 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
>>> 1 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
>>> 28 sorts (memory)
>>> 0 sorts (disk)
>>> 0 rows processed
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Sayan Malakshinov
>> Oracle performance tuning engineer
>> Oracle ACE
-- on Wed Oct 12 2022 - 03:11:38 CEST