Re: SecureFile Mutex waits

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2022 13:54:08 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Which version of Oracle ?

I don't KNOW anything about it. Is this information coming from trace files or from the active session history. If the latter can you identifiy the blocking session; if the former can you seen any patterns to the (undocumented) p1, p2, p3 parameters.

I'd guess this is something to do with the Wnnn processes triggered by the SMCO process to pre-allocate space for the LOB segments, and the Wnnn processes blocking each other, or the SMCO being blocked. (Sorry, just hand-waving). Do you have any parameter settings that might allow too many or too few Wnnn processes to run; or a configuration that means you are working hard to release "old" LOBs because you've managed to set a hard limit the size of the LOB segment, or a very small retention time.

Jonathan Lewis

On Thu, 22 Sept 2022 at 12:23, Satalabaha Oracle <> wrote:

> Hi.
> There's a table with a securefile LOB column that gets INSERTS and DELETES
> a lot. We see "SecureFile mutex" waits for the deletes statement which
> seems to block the insert statement causing write timeout (10 seconds). I
> am not able to find much information on SecureFile mutex waits. If anyone
> has any experience around this, please do share..
> --
> Thanks,
> Satalabaha

Received on Fri Sep 23 2022 - 14:54:08 CEST

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