RE: Oracle code wrapping
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2022 15:45:12 +0000
Message-ID: <LO4P265MB34704F1AC673A492EA4C7A2AE6959_at_LO4P265MB3470.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
I'd use auto deploy to deploy code. Then it is easier to use source control than not. If your source isn't in source control it will be overwritten. If it is, it will end up everywhere it needs to be. The more frequently auto deploy is run, the more of a pain it becomes to work around, and the more value you get from source control.
I don't see how wrapping the code helps to enforce business controls. If the DBA has access to source control with the plain text code (And if they don't they won't be able to support or maintain it), they can get the code out of there, then run it into the database bypassing controls. Or they can write different code and everyone use that. Maybe a more interesting question to ask is why the DBAs are bypassing controls. This is likely due to conflicting business requirements. (The developers or users need a change now, but the change process takes a month for example), or a misguided review process prevents required functionality being deployed. Or maybe just a sudden change of requirements where the DBAs aren't used to having to plan that far in advance. In all these cases communicating and working together to achieve a common goal is more effective than adding controls that prevent the Dba from achieving what they want to.
I see Dominic made a similar point as I was typing this. I'd also mention that tools exist to unwrap code. I never tried them, so don't know how good they are, but wrapping code doesn't seem very useful to me.
Paul Houghton
-- on Mon Jul 25 2022 - 17:45:12 CEST