RE: Segment Growth Tracking
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2022 19:07:33 -0400
Message-ID: <078f01d89644$2bc84f80$8358ee80$>
It’s passing strange that two things in two days scream for “extmon” to be updated to handle the current releases and object types of Oracle.
I am not aware of a supported tool that automatically tracks what you need.
This should be a built-in feature of Oracle. Because my customers desperately needed it I wrote it in the 1990s. Even though I am semi-retired I could be bribed to bring it up to date. If Oracle is interested, they know where to find me. I’d probably need to change the name, since limited extents is no longer an issue (and has not been for a *long* time.)
From: [] On Behalf Of Sanjay Mishra ("smishra_97")
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 4:15 PM
I had a database where all of a sudden heavy usage of the tablespace is used by the Segments. There are 100s of tables/Indexes in 3 schemas using this tablespace and the database is over 200Tb with multiple tables daily or weekly partitioned. So need help with the following
To: Oracle List
Subject: Segment Growth Tracking
Received on Wed Jul 13 2022 - 01:07:33 CEST