AW: ignore table stats
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 12:00:43 +0200
Message-Id: <>
Hi Laurentiu, there is this „LEVEL 2“ (and others) documented here <> that also might lead you down an interesting detour (it’s not a hint, but a session setting).
Link above for 18c. Not sure what DB version you are using.
Woodward Informatics Ltd
> Am 17/06/2022 um 11:44 schrieb Laurentiu Oprea <>: <>
> Hello guys,
> Just a stupid question: is there a way (parameter / hint) to determine the optimizer to ignore table stats and relay just on dynamic_sampling numbers?
> THanks.
> PS: althought the question sound stupid, what I basically want is to simulate a bad execution plan for a scenario in the past where some table stats were missing and I want to see how oracle came with some crazy join cardinality numbers.
Received on Fri Jun 17 2022 - 12:00:43 CEST