Re: Nested loop cost looks too high on 19c
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2022 01:51:02 +0530
Message-ID: <>
I do not see any entry in sys.wri$_optstat_synopsis$ for that object, which means the stats gathering is not happening as incremental. Also checked the dba_tab_stat_prefs, they are exactly the same in both the databases with granularity as PARTITION, estimate_percent as 'DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE'. I see stale_percent set as '10' in table level preference, but I hope that won't play a role here because global default is also 10% belief.
I tried fetching the sample_size, num_rows, num_distinct for column TX_ID using below query side by side for each partition from both the environments, i am not seeing any such anomaly. I pasted the results in the link below. On 11.2 versions out of total ~267 partitions ~210 were non zero partitions and on 19c out of total ~266 partitions ~211 were non zero partitions. So in both ~55 partitions hold zero rows as they are future partitions, so that should not cause this big deviation in both the databases. Am I missing anything here?
select dtp.table_name, dtp.partition_name,dtp.sample_size, dtp.num_rows, dpcs.num_distinct from dba_tab_partitions dtp, dba_part_col_statistics dpcs
where dtp.table_name='TAB_PART' and dtp.table_name=dpcs.table_name and dtp.partition_name= dpcs.partition_name
and dpcs.column_name='TX_ID' and dtp.table_owner= dpcs.owner
order by sample_size asc
On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 12:53 AM Jonathan Lewis <> wrote:
> You are correct - that global num_distinct is driving the difference in
> the arithmetic
> Your next step would be to check the sample_size reported by the two
> systems. One may have been using a small sample while the other was using
> the approximate_ndv with 100% sample. Then check if you're using
> incremental statistics (and how it's configured) in both systems. If you're
> using incremental in 19c but not in 11g then the num_distinct in 11g would
> almost inevitably be larger than that in 19c which would be using synopses
> to get a better global
> num_distinct. Then check rows and num_distinct partition by partition.
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
> On Tue, 31 May 2022 at 19:37, Pap <> wrote:
>> Thank You Jonathan.
>> The line no-3 in the plan is the join between table TAB_PART and TSFS and
>> the estimation
>> on 11.2 is coming as 3(cardinality of TAB_PART)*154(cardinality of TSFS)
>> =462 which is close to ~455
>> however on 19c its 176(cardinality of TAB_PART)*209(cardinality of TSFS)=
>> 36784 which is close to ~36692
>> So here the key factor which is influencing the figure drastically is
>> cardinality estimation of TAB_PART i.e 3 in 11.2 vs 176 in 19C and which is
>> determined by the predicate "TAB_PART.TX_ID=TO_NUMBER(:B2)". Here TAB_PART
>> is a range partitioned table and on this table stats is being gathered on
>> individual partitions which is getting rolled up by oracle itself. We don't
>> use incremental stats collection yet on this table. That is why the
>> global_stats column is showing as 'NO'.
>> Now comparing the table and column statistics of this between 11.2 and
>> 19c databases below, the cardinality = density*num_rows, so here the
>> difference in num_distinct/density for this column at the global level is
>> playing a key role. I am sure the data pattern of column TX_ID is closely
>> the same in both , so I was wondering why there is such a big difference in
>> calculation of num_distinct/density by stats gathering process in both the
>> versions? Or is there really a difference in how the num_distinct/density
>> gets rolled up to global level from individual partitions in these two
>> versions and thus moving to 19C with this may impact other queries too?
>> *ON 11.2:- *
>> *from dba_tables:- *
>> TAB_PART 68889040371 1132560197
>> *from dba_tab_col_statistics:- *
>> TAB_PART TX_ID 23151767844 4.3193245834968E-11 0
>> NONE NO 2.97554125607964
>> *ON 19C:- *
>> *from dba_tables:- *
>> TAB_PART 64791566202 1055609782
>> *from dba_tab_col_statistics:-*
>> TAB_PART TX_ID 368368793 2.71467078374362E-9 0
>> NONE NO 175.88777180156
>> On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 10:23 PM Jonathan Lewis <>
>> wrote:
>>> In the 11g plan:
>>> Operation 2 has a cost of 768K because operation 3 is telling it that it
>>> will call operation 10 455 times at a cost of 1683 each time.
>>> 455 * 1683 = 765,765, then add a bit for the line itself using CPU.
>>> In the 19c hinted plan
>>> Operation 2 has a cost of t1M because operation 3 is telling it that it
>>> will call operation 10 36693 times at a cost of 1677 each time.
>>> 36693 * 1677 = 61,534,161
>>> Thanks to self-caching and other details the multiplication isn't always
>>> this close - but it's a good guideline in many cases.
>>> Your first step should be to work out why the cardinality estimate of
>>> line 3 is so much higher.
>>> Regards
>>> Jonathan Lewis
>>> On Mon, 30 May 2022 at 16:11, Pap <> wrote:
>>>> Hello, While testing the behavior of queries on one of the
>>>> database. Seeing the same query which running in quick time on version
>>>> is running longer on 19C with different path. But when forced the
>>>> outline of the 11.2 path the cost comes higher in the 19C database , which
>>>> i was expecting but not this much high it's 760k vs 61million . And when i
>>>> checked the path the cost of nested loop operation is too high on 19C at
>>>> plan_line_id-2. So wanted to understand if this is expected behavior or
>>>> hitting any bug here?
>>>> Below is the sql and i have added its execution path with version 11.2,
>>>> 19c and forced 11.2 path on 19c database. Also i have added the sql monitor
>>>> for each of those in below location.
>>>> select *
>>>> AND fees.B_STS = 'XXX'
>>>> AND TAB_PART.SM_ID = fees.OB_ID
>>>> AND TAB_PART.TX_ID = :b2;
-- on Tue May 31 2022 - 22:21:02 CEST