Oracle 21c

From: Scott Canaan <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 19:09:17 +0000
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to create my first database in Oracle 21c. I want to do it manually the first time. I'm following the steps I've used in the past when creating an Oracle 19c container database, but I'm having a strange issue that I've never run into before.

When I try to create the database, it says it can't find the init.ora file. The file is in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs (/oracle/app/product/ directory, as it always has been, but it is looking for it in the $ORACLE_BASE/dbs (/oracle/app/dbs) directory instead. Is this a change with 21c? The environment is configured the same as in the past. How do I fix it?

Scott Canaan '88
Sr Database Administrator
Information & Technology Services
Finance & Administration
Rochester Institute of Technology
o: (585) 475-7886 | f: (585) 475-7520<> | c: (585) 339-8659

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Received on Tue May 10 2022 - 21:09:17 CEST

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