sqlldr Question
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 18:21:57 +0000
Message-ID: <4bd94336b1834f82b32ec097cb74721f_at_ex04mail02a.ad.rit.edu>
I have a .csv file that I need to load into an Oracle table. Every character field is enclosed in double quotes ("). Two records have one field that contains double quotes and I'm supposed to load those fields into the database with the embedded double quotes included.
The control file begins with:
load data
infile table1.csv'
into table table1
fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
trailing nullcols
When it gets to those two records, they fail to load with the error:
Record 1659: Rejected - Error on table COOPEVAL_OWNER.SYMPLICITY_STUDENTS, column FIRST_NAME. no terminator found after TERMINATED and ENCLOSED field Record 9979: Rejected - Error on table COOPEVAL_OWNER.SYMPLICITY_STUDENTS, column FIRST_NAME. no terminator found after TERMINATED and ENCLOSED field
Here's an example from one of the rows:
"Yunhao "David""
How can I get these records loaded?
Scott Canaan '88
Sr Database Administrator
Finance & Administration
Rochester Institute of Technology
o: (585) 475-7886 | f: (585) 475-7520
srcdco_at_rit.edu<mailto:srcdco_at_rit.edu> | c: (585) 339-8659
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-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Thu Mar 24 2022 - 19:21:57 CET