Re: $sysmetric 'Session Count' != Count(*) from v$session;

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2022 19:24:58 +0000
Message-ID: <>

I've just taken a look at x$ksuse to see if I could spot the significance of the kssspaflg predicate:

select 'U' flag, indx, ksuseser, ksspatyp, ksusepnm, bitand(ksspaflg,1) spaflg, bitand(ksuseflg,1) useflag, con_id, ksusepro from x$ksuse
where bitand(ksuseflg,1)!=0
union all
select 'S' flag, indx, ksuseser, ksspatyp, ksusepnm, bitand(ksspaflg,1) spaflg, bitand(ksuseflg,1) useflag, con_id, ksusepro from x$ksuse
where bitand(ksspaflg,1)!=0
order by flag, ksusepro, ksusepnm

What I found with a little grep and vi was that

  1. there were a few entries that still had program name and ksuseflg set to 1, but didn't have a process linked, and had the ksspaflg set to 0 - so they didn't show in v$session. The visible names for these all were (happened to be) Jnnn or Pnnn (job queue or parallel).
  2. there were a number of session that had no program name showing, but did have a linked process. These had the ksuseflg set to 0 (so didn't show in v$sesion) and the ksspaflg set to 1. Every process (paddr) that appeared in this set was connected with another session, and the sessions had program names: oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (AQPC) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (CJQ0) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (DBRM) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (GEN0) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (GEN1) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (LREG) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (M000) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (M001) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (M002) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (M003) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (M004) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (M005) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (MMNL) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (MMON) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (OFSD) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (Q003) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (QM02) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (W000) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (W001) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (W002) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (W003) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (W004) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (W005) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (W006) oracle_at_linux183.localdomain (W007)

(i.e. as the ksuseflg indicates, they're not user processes). FLights of fancy - do all these sessions actually set up two x$ksuse rows as they start so that (e.g.) pmon has a "spare" ready if one of them gets corrupted?

Jonathan Lewis

On Wed, 9 Mar 2022 at 18:55, kyle Hailey <> wrote:

> Anyone know why the following two are different?
> SQL> select metric_name, value from v$sysmetric where metric_name = 'Session Count';
> ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
> Session Count 84
> SQL>
> SQL> select Count(*) from v$session;
> COUNT(*)
> ----------
> 58
> Thanks
> Kyle

Received on Thu Mar 10 2022 - 20:24:58 CET

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