Re: Query on Real application testing

From: Lok P <>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 16:04:28 +0530
Message-ID: <>

Thank You So much for the clarification.

On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 3:57 PM Ls Cheng <> wrote:

> Hi
> AFAIK Flashback database does not wipe out contents from cell flash cache.
> Thanks
> On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 10:03 AM Lok P <> wrote:
>> Thank you. Got it.
>> So is it correct to say that the cache warmup we are talking about here
>> is mainly DB buffer cache. And yes, we can ignore the first 30 minutes of
>> workload replay. Btw I have heard the storage cell flash cache needs many
>> hours to be populated with the required blocks , storage indexes etc during
>> the initial point. So my question was, if it's going to wipe out the flash
>> cache also in case of DB flashback ? Or as Pap mentioned these are
>> persistent storage so they won't get wiped off like DB buffer cache in case
>> of DB flashback to past point in time?
>> On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 3:28 AM Ls Cheng <> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I think you should capture RAT for at least 3, 4 hours of workload. In
>>> the old days when load tests were using tools such as Mercury
>>> Loadrunner there was a stage in the beginning which we called ramp-up which
>>> is the warming up stage you are describing to bring in live-like
>>> conditions. During ramp-up response times are higher and are taken into
>>> account when analyzing the data.
>>> So to simplify things, run AWR every 30 minutes and consider the first
>>> 30 minutes as your ramp-up stage.
>>> Thanks
>>> On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 12:32 PM Lok P <> wrote:
>>>> Hi, We are planning to use the real application testing feature of
>>>> Oracle for capturing and replaying production workloads to see the actual
>>>> impact of one of our coming versions and hardware upgrades. We have one
>>>> question- As before each workload replay the RAT database has to be
>>>> flashed back to the point in time where we have captured the workload from.
>>>> So will that flashback, remove everything from the RAT DB buffer cache and
>>>> also everything will be wiped out from the storage server flash cache? And
>>>> in that case the replay may not mimic the exact impact as the cache warmup
>>>> will be adding additional overhead to the resource and time and thus it may
>>>> not be a good comparison of before and after upgrade behaviour of RAT
>>>> database. Can you please confirm if this is the correct understanding and
>>>> how we should replay then to avoid this cache warmup thing? And if any
>>>> other RAT system related resources can also deviate the figures?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Lok

Received on Mon Nov 01 2021 - 11:34:28 CET

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