Re: ASM Question/Suggestions - moving from 10TB devices to 20TB devices and diskgroup move

From: Mikhail Velikikh <>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2021 15:09:05 +0100
Message-ID: <>


I know ASM devices should be the same size when you rebalance.

If it is an EXTERNAL redundancy disk group, then you can have a disk of different size there.
12c ASM: Unable To Add New Disks With Dissimilar Size To ASM Diskgroups (Normal or High Redundancy) Due To ORA-15410 (New 12c ASM Enhancement Validation/Constraint) (Doc ID 1938950.1) <> Although it is not a best practice, it can be used during such migrations.

Is that the *only* option here? Anyone have additional
> suggestions/thoughts?

  1. You can resize the existing disks online, then drop the disks you don't need. It didn't work for me two years ago with AFD. I haven't encountered the same issue with ASMlib or without any Oracle drivers. If you don't use AFD, ignore notes below: Cannot resize ASM Disk using ASM Filter Driver(AFD) online (Doc ID 2099164.1) ASM not displaying resized disk size in AFD configuration (Doc ID 2263094.1) Bug 29893839 - ASM CRASHES WHEN RUNNING AFD_REFRESH AFTER THE LUN RESIZE AT OS LAYER (Doc ID 29893839.8)
  2. You can provision new 20TB LUNs and DROP/ADD disk in one ALTER DISKGROUP command. ASM automatically rebalances data.

Best regards,
Mikhail Velikikh

On Wed, 8 Sept 2021 at 14:46, Chris Taylor <> wrote:

> List,
> We have a need to restructure our underlying ASM devices to 20T from 10T
> to reduce the number of luns assigned to a host.
> The Total DiskGroup SIze is 163840.00 GB (~ 160 TB) made up of 10TB
> devices. (16 Devices)
> Our storage admins would like to move these to 20T devices and halve the
> number of physical devices presented.
> I know ASM devices should be the same size when you rebalance.
> I know *one* option is to add the 8 20T devices as candidates and create a
> new diskgroup and move the data to the new diskgroup and then drop the old
> 10T devices from ASM.
> Is that the *only* option here? Anyone have additional
> suggestions/thoughts?
> Chris

Received on Wed Sep 08 2021 - 16:09:05 CEST

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